Gramin 2008 Benjie Herskowitz, Ma'aleh Adumim With the I-Pod, MP3 and the MP4 It's no wonder parents instructions, are easy to ignore Nowadays it's impossible to get their attention, neither by hook or by crook The only way's to leave a message on their Facebook Fidel Castro retired, because of old age Before doing so, he chose a successor for Cuba's center stage We agree that at 81, Fidel should step aside for another But why'd he have to choose his 78 year old younger brother? Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, was never actually elected And of a lot of shenanigans, he was suspected He is incredibly unpopular, its plain to see Even the lowly 3% approval rating he got, was from his own family Maaleh Adumim is our beautiful city With only one flaw, which is a real pity Quality of life, great neighbors, that describes our home If only they’d rid us of that farslugener machsom Barak Obama, wants to president of the U S of A But with no track record on Israel, we have to say “no way” As Jews, we approach him with trepidation And if elected, we fear America becoming an “Obama-Nation” The dollar has fallen, to an unprecedented low When will it stop? even Frankel says “Dunno” Did you hear the latest news on last nights Mabat? Halachically, the dollar is no longer muktzah on Shabbat Shimon Peres is a well-meaning, but misguided Jew And until he retires, how much more damage will he do? There are those who feel that Shimon Peres is attractive But we’d rather be exposed to something radioactive To ease Jerusalem traffic, they’re building a Lite-Rail However, their speed of construction, is that of a snail Rumor has it - it’ll be operable one fine day But in which exact century, they’re not willing to say The missiles fall like rain, on our tiny nation On second thought, we wish we’d have that much precipitation Kassamim, Katyushot and now the Grad Unbelievably, our leaders aren’t the least bit mutrad The recent steroid scandal has dealt baseball a blow Also, some people claim that the game is too slow While it’s true soccer games have more action and are more exciting But that’s only because of all the fans fighting The governor of New York stepped way out of line And so consequently, he was forced to resign To succeed in politics, it seems clear to me That experience in lying and cheating, must be high on your C.V. Another year has passed since our last Purim seudah Lots we learned since then – such as who’s Boaz Ahuda Our useless government, allowing Sderot to suffer is just insane Our only hope is the coming of Moshiach, bemheira beyameinu, amen.