Aliyah - Useful Phone Numbers
From: "Pinkas, Israel"
Subject: Bezeq service numbers
Date sent: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 15:40:41 +0200
Here is a summary of special numbers and other services, gleamed
from a phone book.
The cost is from the Jerusalem 2000/2001 phone book, and
is subject to change.
Notice: As of December 2000, the 06 and 07 area codes do not exist.
All numbers in the 06 area code (Galil and Golan) moved to the 04 area
code (Haifa). All numbers in the 07 area code (Negev) moved to the
08 area code (Sh'fela - plains).
Number Cost Description
100 Free Police
101 Free Ambulance (Magen David Adom)
102 Free Fire Department
1201 Local Personal First Aid (Mental/Psychiatric Hotline?)
1202 Local Rape Hotline
1800-223966 Free ELI (Center for Protection of the Child)
1800-220000 Free Domestic Violence Hotline
02-6243358 Std "Listening Ear" - for children, teens, and
adults in trouble
02-6242853 Std "Listening Ear" (second number)
103 Std Electric Company
106/107 Std City services (at least in Jerusalem)
1800-234567 Free Kol Yisrael traffic line
135 3.4 ag/min Internet access (ISP menu)
142 ??? Collect calls in Israel - automated
144 1.81 sh Information
146 Free Information about changed numbers
155 0.46 sh Talking clock
164 Free Service for special lines (e.g. ISDN, telex)
166 Free Repairs
Note: 166 will be able to perform some checks on the line if you have
at least one Bezeq phone connected to the line. If there are no Bezeq
phones, there may be an extra charge if the problem is not Bezeq's.
175 1.37sh Hotel-style wake up call
1759 Free Cancel wake-up call
198 Free Service request by fax
199 Free Service request
Note: Service number are for the local area only.
To order service in another area, see the numbers in the phone book.
03-9668855 Std Weather
03-9723333 Std Airport info (Hebrew)
03-9723344 Std Airport info (English)
03-972-3366 Std Airport info (Russian)
*70 Free Cancel call waiting for the next call made
*72 Std Call forwarding
*73 Free Cancel call forwarding
*41 Free Redial when line free
(you do pay for the call)
#41 Free Cancel
*42 Free Call back the last caller
(you do pay for the call)
Note: If caller ID is blocked or not available
(e.g. int'l call), the service does not work
*43 Free Block caller ID on call
188 International calls via selected service operator
1822 International calls via Golden Lines operator
1838 International calls via Barak operator
1848 International calls via Bezeq operator
00 Prefix for direct-dial international calls by
selected service
012 Prefix for direct-dial international calls by Golden Lines
013 Prefix for direct-dial international calls by Barak
014 Prefix for direct-dial international calls by Bezeq
International collect calls area available.
From Israel, user the operator number listed above.
To Israel, call the operator before you travel.
Other services
Call waiting - Free
Rollover to 2nd line - Free
Party line (talk to two people at once) - For a fee
Caller ID - For a fee
Permanently block caller ID - For a fee
Detailed bill (list of calls made) - 4.93 sh
Voice mailbox - for a fee
Virtual number (permanent forward to another number, no need for
a line) - For a fee
From: BNI.PriorityNews
Following is a list of Emergency telephone numbers intended as a service
to readers. One may forward, reproduce or use this list providing that one
includes the footer at the end which provides subscription information to
BreakingNews-Israel email lists.
This revised list includes
1. Mokdim and IDF dispatchers
2. Police
3. DCO offices
4. Hospitals
5. Military first aid facilities
6. Local/Municipal Councils and more
1) Chativat Etzion - 02-993-3363
2) Moked Ariel - 03-936-6111
3) Moked Betar Elite - 02-580-6534
4) Moked Binyamin - 02-997-4104/ 997-7170
5) Moked Efrat - 02-993-3441 (5:00am - midnight)
6) Moked Elkana - 03-936-2333
7) Moked Elon Shvut - 02-993-1478/9
8) Moked Gaza Coast - 07-684-0888
9) Moked Givat Ze'ev - 02-536-0170
10) Moked Gush Etzion - 02-993-1478 /9
11) Moked Jordan Valley - 994-2633/994-2462/994-3320
12) Moked Kedumim - 09-792-2076
13) Moked Kiryat Arba - 02-996-9530
14) Moked Maale Adumim - 02-535-3466
15) Moked Maale Adumim - 535-4888
16) Moked Shomron - 09-792-9222
17) Plugat Herodian (Chamal) 02-645-0675
1) Allenby Bridge - 02-940-7444
2) Ariel 03-906-5555
3) Beit El - 02-970-6444
4) Binyamin- 02-970-6444
5) Givat Ze'ev - 02-536-2444
6) Greizim- 02-994-4444
7) Gush Etzion - 02-993-9444
8) Kedumim - 09-775-4404
9) Kiryat Arba - 02-996-4444
10) Maale Adumim - 02-535-4444
11) Maale Ephraim - 02-994-1444
12) Maarat Hamachpelah - 02-996-4070 (Cave of the Patriarchs)
13) Modi'in - 08-972-6444
14) Rosh HaAyin - 03-900-4444
15) Vered Yericho - 02-994-3221
1) Beit Lechem - 02-993-4025 (Bethlehem, near Beit Jala)
2) Dotan - 04-622-7657 (Jenin area)
3) Hebron - 02-996-7402 (Har Manoach)
4) Qalkilya - 09-766-0328
5) Ramallah - 02-997-0297 (Ayosh Junction)
6) Shchem - 02-997-4586 (Nablus/ Horon base)
7) Tul Qarem - 09-894-8803 (Border police)
8) Yericho - 02-994-2338 (Jericho)
1) Barzilai (Ashkelon) - 07-674-5555
2) Beilinson (Rabin) 03-937-7377
3) Bikur Holim (Jer) - 02-670-1111
4) Hadassah (Ein Kerem/Jer) 02-677-7111
5) Hadassah (Mount Scopus/Jer) 02-584-4111
6) HaEmek (Afula) - 06-652-4141
7) Hillel Yaffe (Hadera) - 03-630-4304
8) Laniado (Netanya) -09-860-4666
9) Meir (Kfar Saba) - 09-747-2555
10) Schneider (children's, Petah Tikvah) 03-925-3253
11) Shaare Zedek (Jer) - 02-655-5111
12) Soroka (Beersheba) (07-640-0111)
13) Tel HaShomer (Tel Aviv) (03-530-3296)
1) Adurayim - 02-996-1158
2) Aryeh - 02-994-0371
3) Avnei Hafetz - 09-898-9074
4) Bezeq - 02-994-7394
5) Binyamin - 02-997-0480
6) Chalamish - 08-928-2765
7) Charsina - 02-996-3244
8) Dotan - 04-624-7153
9) Gadi - 02-994-2408
10) Gush Etzion - 02-569-4294
11) Har Manoach - 02-996-7324
12) Horon - 02-994-3906
13) Jenin/Kadim - 04-640-0907
14) Kedumim - 09-792-1551
15) Lachish - 08-681-0457
16) Luz - 02-997-0608
17) Machpelah - 02-996-9666/ 960-5058
18) Mul Navo - 994-0361
19) Ofer - 02-588-4236
20) Sanor - 09-834-3406
21) Shavei Shomron - 09-832-0521
22) Tapuach - 03-906-7701
23) Tekoa - 02-624-6053
24) Tzofim - 09-766-0334
25) Yakir - 09-792-3339
1) Alfei Menashe Local - 09-792-5111
2) Ariel Local - 03-936-6077
3) Benjamin Regional - 02 - 997-7111
4) Bet Aryeh Local - 08-929-7454
5) Betar Elite Local - 02-580-6416
6) Efrat Local - 993-9393
7) Elkana Local - 03-936-3843
8) Emanuel Local - 09-792-1111
9) Gaza Coast Regional - 07-684-0888
10) Givat Ze'ev Local - 02-536-0100
11) Gush Etzion Regional - 02-993-9933
12) Jordan Valley Regional - 02-994-6602
13) Karnei Shomron Local - 09-792-0222
14) Kedumim Local - 09-792-1814
15) Kiryat Arba Local - 02-996-9555
16) Maale Adumim Local - 02-535-1262
17) Maale Ephraim Local - 02-994-1223
18) Oranit Local - 03-936-0465
19) Shomron Regional - 02-997-7666
1) Egged Artzi - 03-694-8888
2) Egged Jerusalem - 530-4704
3) Fire Department (Ariel) 03-936-6111
4) Fire Department (Maale Adumim) 02-535-7250
5) Israel Electric (Ariel) 03-906-5333
6) Mas Rechush (Jerusalem) 02-624-5771
- File Name:
- Created: April 10, 2001
- Updated: April 10, 2001
- Maintained by: Jacob Richman

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