AP photo in 'Times' makes Jewish victim a Palestinian By Jonathan Krashinsky JERUSALEM (October 5) - A wrongly captioned Associated Press photo that ran in The New York Times, featuring what purported to be a club-wielding IDF soldier and a blood-drenched Palestinian on the Temple Mount, drew complaints from many American newspaper readers. In reality, the "Temple Mount" mentioned was a gas station outside the Old City, and the "Palestinian" was actually Tuvia Grossman, a Jewish student from Chicago. Moreover, the policeman in the photo, far from attacking him, was in fact driving off a number of Palestinian assailants who were trying to beat the young student to death. According to an angry letter to the Times from Grossman's father, Aaron, Tuvia and two of his friends were pulled from their taxicab by a mob of Palestinian Arabs and were severely beaten and stabbed. Family members asked how AP could have missed the highly prominent Hebrew gas station sign in the background, which clearly marked the location as somewhere other than the Temple Mount. The Times quickly blamed "an erroneous quotation" from AP as the cause of the blunder and published a correction. The AP offices in Jerusalem acknowledged that the blame was theirs, but refused to comment further on the matter.