Memo to world: Stand aside while Israel tackles terrorism Mobile (Alabama) Register Opinion April 3, 2002 Senators calling on the Bush administration to do more to push a negotiated peace in the Middle East are dead wrong on the issue. What the Bush administration ought to do is to say nothing more about the need for Israel to restrain itself. The only American role in the region right now should be to firmly and unambiguously tell all other countries to stay out of the conflict. This message should be sent to all Arab countries, and it also should be sent to all the hand-wringers in Europe who harbor a growing number of anti-Semites while agitating for policies that would amount to Israel's suicide. As George Melloan so aptly wrote in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal, "This war won't end until one side or the other wins." The reason it won't end until one side wins is because Yasser Arafat and his legion of Palestinian terrorists will not accept peace even when it is offered to them on terms so generous as to almost defy belief. Offered the first official homeland in their history, the Palestinians instead demanded, in effect, that Israel recede all the way into the sea. Concurrent with those outrageous demands, the Palestinian Authority has fomented a wave of terror against innocent Israeli civilians. Israel has no choice but to destroy every apparatus of Palestinian state control, re-establish martial law in the West Bank and Gaza, and send Yasser Arafat to a prison-like exile. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Colin Powell ought to be directed to rein in all the Arabists at the State Department, rather than to continue giving voice to their claptrap about how Mr. Arafat is not a terrorist. If Mr. Arafat were not a terrorist, he would not have been kicked out of Jordan 30 years ago. If he were not a terrorist, he would not have closed the Palestinian schools in September 2000 and used state-run media to urge children into the street to protest a mere visit to the sacred Temple Mount by an unpopular Israeli official. And if the Palestinian dictator were not a terrorist, he would not have tried to smuggle 50 tons of weaponry from Iran earlier this year. But because he and his cohorts are indeed terrorists of the worst sort, Israel has the right to snuff out every last vestige of their rule.