Tell Us, Mr. Powell by Emanuel A. Winston Mid East Analyst & Commentator March 13, 2002 - THIS JUST IN: The United Nations Security Council, long known for its consistent anti-Israel policy, voted to adopt a resolution endorsing a Palestinian State with the United States Ambassador voting "Yes". One can only be reminded of the shameful U.N. vote on November 10, 1975 declaring "Zionism is Racism" where U.S. Ambassador Young, who worked diligently against Israel, ending with his "Yes" vote. Why is it that Colin Powell, Andrew Young and Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the U.N. share the same bias against the Jewish State. Even as Yassir Arafat’s Arab Palestinian terrorists are killing Israelis in daily attacks, Powell and Annan find ways to create a spurious moral equivalency by condemning Israel’s counter-attacks. I have no doubt that Andrew Young would join the attack except that he was in court testifying for H. Rap Brown alias Jamil Abdul Al-Amin - saying Brown was a ‘nice man’. Brown has been convicted for murdering a sheriff’s deputy in cold blood and sentenced to life in prison with no parole. The U.N. long known for its consistent pro-Arab/anti-Israel bias has officially joined the "Get Israel!" crowd. Tell us, Secretary Powell, what is your forward vision with respect to an independent Palestinian State and its likelihood of developing weapons of mass destruction? Do you think that, given Yassir Arafat’s close alliance with Saddam Hussein and Saddam’s program of developing such weapons that would open a conduit of transfer of catastrophic weapons of mass destruction? We have observed the reported attempts by al Qaeda under Osama bin Laden to develop nuclear (radiologic bombs), chemical and biological substances. This parallels what terrorist organizations do - that is their M.O. (Modus Operandi). Given that most terrorist organizations are linked and assist each other to obtain weapons, offer safe houses, collaborate on agreed targets, why would America wish to establish another Terrorist State? Can you answer this question, Mr. Powell, and also, can you tell us why you have become point man in forcing such a state? A Palestinian State is strongly supported by Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya - all of whom are well-developed terrorist nations. All of these nations have their own program of weapons and would assist Arafat in starting a home-grown weapons in their own laboratories once they have a State that cannot be inspected. Of course, Arafat is already building his own mortars, rockets, bombs, explosive belts for suicide bombers, ‘et al’. Clearly, the Palestinians have shown themselves to be clever, adaptive and certainly as competent as any of the Iraqi, Pakistani, Syrian, Iranian development teams. Granted, it may take them a bit of time to train their own Palestinian physicists or chemists. However, like these other terrorist nations, they would merely employed physicists, chemists, biological weapons’ experts from Russia, China, North Korea, etc. Since there is not a hairs-breath difference between the terrorists’ Arab cultures, why would a Palestinian State not take advantage of the weapons’ technology so freely available in the world. Tell us, Mr. Powell, why would the Palestinians, once established in their own State like al Qaeda, limit themselves to striking Israel when America has greater target opportunities and is similarly hated by the Arabs? Why must America be instrumental in forcing Israel to create a Palestinian State which, even now in its pre-development stage, shows all the structure common to all other terrorist nations. A report just released shows that America views such nations as china, Russia, North Korea, Iraq, Libya still viable targets for nuclear strikes. Plainly, we believe none of these nations have changed in terms of their deadly threat to America. Tell us, Mr. Powell, can you imply, let alone guarantee, that a Palestinian State will not become merely another terrorist nation and make no attempt to acquire weapons of mass destruction? Can you answer us that Palestinians, once elevated to a State and with proper technology will not be next wave of sleeper terrorists allowed into America? You, Secretary Colin Powell on Channel 2's Face the Nation, March 10th spoke about the inspection of Iraq’s weapons. You seemed comfortable with the idea of inspecting and finding Saddam’s weapons’ caches. Strangely, Mr. Powell, you have never expressed any concern or need to find weapons in any areas turned over to Yassir Arafat - even after the Karine-A exposed massive smuggling of sophisticated offensive arms from Iran. Even as you, Mr. Powell, have been preaching restraint to Israel, you have been accommodating, perhaps even protecting, the same Arab nations who have contributed terrorists, money and sanctuary to the same Arab Muslims we are fighting in Afghanistan. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Syria all have dedicated Islamic fighters killing American soldiers. Why are we listening and trying to appease these nations as well as the Europeans who have done close to nothing in fighting terrorism? While we know that the State Department is shot through and through with Arabists and can expect the unremitting bias of that organization, why must President Bush cave in to Arab pressure and your hostile advise against Israel’s justifiable self-defense when she has been fighting Arab terror for the 54 years she has been a State and for 50 years before that? Arabs and radical Muslims are engaged in a global war against Jews and Christians while you, Mr. Powell, seem to be collaborating with them in spirit. This is a cataclysmic clash of civilizations and no amount of happy talk or voicing disapproval of Israel’s counter-terrorism measures can change the facts of radical Islamic terror. IF we can follow the striking words of President Bush that: "There are no good terrorists" and offering praise for killing as many al Qaeda as we can, may we not allow Israel to act against her terrorists as we Americans are dealing against those who terrorized America? On March 11th, the 6 month anniversary of 9/11, President George W. Bush said: "Every terrorist must be made to live as an international fugitive with no place to settle, or organize, no place to hide, no governments to hide behind and not even a safe place to sleep." Preventing leaders such as Saddam Hussein from sharing with terrorists for developing or sharing weapons of mass destruction such as Nuclear or Biological [is our objective]. "Men with no respect for life must never be allowed to control the ultimate instruments of earth." "If terrorists ever got their hands on such weapons they would use them without a hint of conscience", Mr. Bush said, "unleashing Genocide and chaos". "Inaction is not an option." He warned and promised other nations that "the War against Terror is not just a policy but a pledge." Are you not in agreement with President Bush on the goals and means of fighting global terror? Given your dovish outlook on forcefully dealing with terror, wouldn’t it be better to resign your post rather than living a lie against your own convictions as a patriot? March 11th Vice President Dick Cheney, speaking from London with Prime Minister Tony Blair against Saddam Hussein who said: "He’s in breach of at least 9 UN Security Resolutions about weapons of mass destruction. He has not allowed weapons’ inspectors to do the job that the U.S. wanted them to do. We have to be concerned with the potential marriage of terrorists like al Qaeda and those who are proliferating knowledge of weapons of mass destruction." Despite opposition in his cabinet, Tony Blair’s support against the Iraqi leader could prove helpful in Cheney’s visit to 9 Arab nations where he will discuss Phase 2 in the global War against Terrorism. Vice President Cheney dismissed a report in a Nuclear Strategy document published March 9th in LA Times on plans for an American first nuclear strike against 7 nations. Cheney said: "Right now the U.S. on a day-to-day basis does not target nuclear weapons on any nations but the notion in the press that, somehow we’re preparing pre-emptive strikes against 7 nations is a bit over the top." Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld said: "US now has an opportunity to tear terrorism out by the roots wherever it is. "We would have accomplished very little if we were successful in Afghanistan and then we allowed terrorists to assemble in other places in the globe." Cheney and Rumsfeld hold the same convictions as President Bush, which puts you off the team. Here again, the only time you depart from your dovish position is when you bristle with anger against the Jewish nation as she attacks the terror paramilitary forces of Yassir Arafat. Is it not time for some self scrutiny and your inappropriate attitude of dovishness? Recall how you impeded the Gulf War effort against Saddam Hussein, dragging out preparations for 6 months and then insisting that Saddam and his Republican Guard be allowed to live to fight another day. Clearly, you are not suited for government work at least when it comes down to dealing with enemies. Please tender your notice of retirement to President Bush and then leave as a patriot rather than as a pacifist who has more concerns for terrorists than our allies. Mr. Powell, we Jews have seen a parade of monsters, sometimes called Nazis, sometimes called Communists, sometimes called Terrorists, lately called radical, fundamentalist Islamists Terrorists, sometimes they are called diplomats, sometimes judges in German courts - and, presently, the members of the United Nations. Our bodies have been experimented on; we have been hanged, poisoned, gassed, buried alive or burned on posts or in Krupp ovens where our children have been thrown alive into these fires. Yet, the campaign to kill Jews continues which seems not to trouble you at all. You, Mr. Powell, have joined an illustrious parade of monsters, covered with the dignity of your office - as were the robed judges of Nazi Germany’s courts who dispensed justice designed only for Jews. You tell us that we are not to seriously defend ourselves against the unremitting murders of our people. Tell us, Mr. Powell, what would you have us do besides dying in your cause of appeasement. No one came to our rescue when 6 million Jews, including 1½ million children, who were murdered in the most barbaric ways, therefore, we expect no rescue now. We will proudly do it ourselves.