Passover trivia - 43 million pre-Passover cleaning hours (IsraelWire-4/17) It is estimated that 43 million man hours will be spent nationwide in cleaning preparations for the Passover holiday which begins after sundown on Wednesday, April 19. According to the Brandman Research Institute study, 29 million cleaning hours are done by women and 11 million by men. Persons paid to clean do the remaining 3 million at a cost of NIS 64 million. According to the study by the market research institute, 73 percent of Israeli homes are cleaned in preparation for the holiday with 48 percent of those who responded to the survey explaining they clean more than usual in preparation for Passover. 46 percent began cleaning two weeks before the holiday, 8 percent before the Purim holiday, and 20 percent wait until just before the holiday. 26 percent do not clean at all for the holiday. In 70 percent of the homes cleaned for the holiday, males and females participate in the task together while in 30 percent, only the women clean. In homes where both men and women clean, the women still undertake the lion's share of the work, putting in 38 hours compared to 20 hours by the men. The average paid cleaning person prior to the holiday will work for ten hours in a home, at an average rate of NIS 20 per hour.