Yom Ha'atzma'Ut - Israel's Independence Day Yes, It's a Halakhic Holiday by Rabbi Meshulam Roth, of blessed memory, in Responsa "Kol Mevaser" 21. A rabbi in Tchernovitz, Galicia, he immigrated to Israel in 1944, where he was a member of the Chief Rabbinate. The fifth day of the month of Iyar was established as a day of celebration throughout the land to remember the miracle of our salvation and freedom. It is obligatory upon us to celebrate it as a festive day and to say Hallel (holiday prayer of rejoicing). Even one city, or individuals, who establish a holiday because of a miracle that befell them, must keep this practice, they and their descendants forever. This is true even if they move to a different city, as is written by Maharam Alshaker (responsa 49), quoted by Magen Avraham (686,5) and Eliyahu Rabbah, and [endorsed] by Hatam Sofer (responsa 191, O.C.) in the case of salvation from death… Certainly in our case, touching on the entire public of Klal Yisrael, when we were redeemed from subjugation to the other nations and became a free people with sovereign independence, and we were also saved from being killed and destroyed by out enemies - certainly it is incumbent upon us to establish this day as a holiday. And those who set this day specifically were correct, in that the principle aspect of the miracle in our redemption from subjugation to freedom occurred on this day with our declaration of independence.