WHEN WE bentch Rosh Chodesh, sanctifying the coming
Hebrew month, it is customary to announce the molad, to
inform the Congregation of the exact moment when the moon
will appear for the first time in the new month. Then,
sometime before mid-month when the moon can be clearly seen,
a quaint but beautiful ritual, known as kiddush levanah, is
observed in which we offer thanks to God for having created
the moon to shed light and loveliness during the night.
This morning I would like to discuss with you a brief
prayer which I repeated during that observance. "May it be
thy will, Lord my God and God of my fathers, to fill the
deficiency of the moon, so that it may no longer be reduced
in size. May the light of the moon again be like the light of
the sun, as it was during the first seven days of creation,
before its size was reduced .. ." (Prayer Book).
Think of it! Jews have always been beset with serious
problems and anxieties, hounded and persecuted. Even this
day there are so many issues and troubles that demand our
serious attention. There is, first and foremost, the problem of
the survival of the State of Israel, followed by the question
of how to bring about a semblance of order in the chaotic
condition in the religious life of American Jewry. Then there
is the tragedy of the growing rate of intermarriage, the curse
of disunity in our ranks and the lack of reliable and sound
leadership. And all we can think to pray for at the time of
kiddush levanah is for an improvement in the luminosity
and condition of the moon!
My explanation is that the Jew has always had a close
afinity to and a sense of identification with the moon. The
sages viewed the destiny of Israel and the moon and saw a
significant relationship between them. When the Jew prayed
for improvement in the condition of the moon, he also had in
mind the good and welfare of his people.
One of the chief characteristics of the moon is its total
dependence on the sun. It is a satellite that revolves around
and reflects the light of the sun, without which it would have
no luminosity or beauty.
The Jew looked upon himself and his galut experience
and concluded that he, too was only a satellite of other nations.
His fate and destiny depended to a large extent on the grace,
fairness, and generosity of others. Like the moon, the period
of his illumination and peace has been limited and brief. After
a few bright years in his history, when the nations among
whom he dwelt were tolerant and kind, there suddenly
descended thick clouds of hatred and scorn on the horizon
which darkened his existence and blinded his life. This
happened in Spain where for a brief period he enjoyed a
"golden age," only to be engulfed by the night of the inquisition
and to be burned alive on the auto da fe' and to be ultimately
expelled from the land.
This pattern repeated itself in almost every land in which
he sojourned for the past two millenia. It happened in
Portugal, England, France, and the Middle East. The only notable
exception was Holland which was always tolerant and friendly
to the Jew.
When the Jew prayed through the centuries "for the light
of the moon again to be like the light of the sun," he was
beseeching God to grant the Jewish people the blessings of
independence and security. He was entreating the Almighty
to permit the return of the Jew to the homeland of his
ancestors where he would no longer be a satellite of any other
people, but master of his own destiny.
With the birth of the State of Israel in 1948, that prayer
was partially answered. I say partially because Israel still has
to depend on the goodwill and support of Powers who are, to
put it mildly, not always friendly to Jews. Israel is surrounded
by millions of archenemies whose ambition it is to annihilate
and destroy her. Four times in thirty years they have waged
all-out war on Israel and have failed, and we hope that the day
will never come when their designs will succeed. The Jew
continues to pray for the glorious period of a secure and
luminous life in the land of his fathers.
This prayer applies with equal relevance and force to the
spiritual condition of our people. Like the moon, we borrow
too much from others. Our thoughts, practices and beliefs
are influenced and colored by the non-Jewish environment in
which we live. We "knock on wood" instead of kissing the
mezuzah. We avoid "number thirteen" like a plague,
instead of pronouncing "the thirteen principles of Jewish faith."
We have elaborate Christmas dinners instead of pronouncing
the blessings on Chanukah lights.
At Jewish public functions, even at Yeshiva Dinners, one or
more Christian dignitaries are invited to lecture to us on
how to be good Jews.
The other day a prominent Catholic prelate was invited to
address a Jewish audience. He delivered a talk in which he
gave his approval to ecumenical marriages, providing the
children will be brought up in the Catholic Faith. Alluding to
years of persecution of Jews by the Church, he dismissed it
as a "lovers' quarrel."
That this was an unfair and untrue statement did not seem
to bother that gentleman much. If I were present at the
meeting and given an opportunity to respond, I would have
asked him why "the lovers" did not speak up for us during
the 1940s when more than six million Jewish men, women
and children were gassed and butchered in Europe? Why
didn't he and his fellow "lovers" cry out in 1957 when
Nasser threatened to drive the Jews of Israel into the sea?
Why the deafening silence on the part of "the lovers" in
1973 when Egypt, Syria and other Arab Nations attacked
Israel on the day of Yom Kippur?
Ah yes! Long enough have we been satellites, currying the
favor and approval of those who do not really love us. Too
long have we been dependent on others. So we pray now,
as we have done for many generations, lemalot pegimot
ha'levanah, that physically and spiritually we become
like Chamah, the sun, totally independent and secure
in our destiny and in our faith.