For Sale
Updated: July 26, 2011 - 19:30
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All items are located in my apartment in Ma'ale Adumim.
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with descriptions and photos.
Answering Machine - 20 shekels
SOLD: Clothes Closet - 400 shekels
SOLD - Floor Polisher - 125 shekels
Heater - 35 shekels
SOLD: Hebrew Scrabble - 10 shekels
Home Cinema - 200 shekels
SOLD - Hoover Upright Vacuum Cleaner - 120 shekels
Free: 30-50 audio music cassettes - free for taking the whole lot
Free: Exercise Bicycle - needs to be fixed with a welding iron.
I am not leaving Ma'ale Adumim, just selling items I no longer need.
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