Gesher - A Bridge to Jewish Unity (Eng. & Heb.)
Tzav Pius (Unity Campaign)
No to Violence - Women Support Center
B'Ahavat Yisrael
Pitchon Lev (help the poor and needy)
Hazon Yeshaya (soup kitchens)
Ezer Yoldot
Zaka Israel
Beit New York-Jerusalem
Association of the Deaf in Israel
Israeli Deafness Related Organizations
The Israeli Society for Autistic Children
The Foundation for Children at Risk (Austic - Child)
Shalva - Israel Association for the Handicapped Child and Family
Giving Wisely - Directory of Israeli Nonprofit and
Philanthropic Organizations
Just Tzedakah
One Israel Fund
Zichron Menachem (support of children with cancer)
IWIN - Israel Woman's Network
Natal: Support Center for Victims of National Psychotrauma
Shalom Alimut - Lowering School Violence (Hebrew)
Lifeline for the Old
Mercaz Harmony - International Center for Inclusion
Etta Israel Center (helping Jewish youth)
Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews (IAEJ)
The Forgotten People Fund
The Gesher Foundation
Yad B'Yad Educational Rehabilitation Center
Lemaan Achai
Navah - Volunteering and Assisting the Hurt
OHR Jerusalem (help the mentally handicapped)
Operation Restoration
The Israel Humanitarian Foundation (IHF)
JNF - Jewish National Fund
ESRA: English Speaking Residents Association
Friends of Israeli Scouts 2000
Bnei Akiva
Partnership 2000: Jerusalem - New York
Israel Union for Environmental Defense
The Council for a Beautiful Israel
Chai - Humane Treatment of Animals
"Tenu LaChayot Lechyot" (Let Animals Live)
The Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind
A.H.A.V.A. - Promoting English for Israeli Children
No Powerlines (no to powerlines near N. Jer. neighborhoods)
Retorno Rehab Center
Neve Michael Children's Village
Keren Ezras Shabbos
New Seed Foundation - Pregnant Women in Need of Help
Orot Morasha
Or Simcha
VNPS - Directory of Israel Non-Profits
Sde Bar (for youth in distress)
Haifa Women's Coalition
Ezrat Avot - Senior Citizen Center
Friends of Yemin Orde
Table to Table
The Israeli Speech, Hearing and Language Association
Meir Panim - Soup Kitchens in Israel
Metuna (voluntary road safety organization)
Israeli Road Safety Authority (Hebrew)
Israel Road Safety
The Israel Sports Association for the Disabled
Union of Rabbinical Marriage Counselors (Hebrew)
Emunah - National Religious Women's Org. (Heb and Eng)
Ohel Sarah - Institute for the Special Child
Clean Up Israel (environment)
Ezer Mizion
Machshava Tova (bridging the technology gap)
Rasham Amutot Database
(government no-profit organizations database, Hebrew)
Lev LaLev Girl's Orphanage In Israel
Lev U'Neshama
Beit Yael
Carmei Hair
Zaka Israel (Hebrew)
Related Links
Olim Organizations (JR Aliyah Site)
Professional Work Organizations (JR Aliyah Site)