Yiddish Hot Sites

Updated: March 3, 2025

Selected Yiddish Sites

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

The Virtual Shtetl - Yiddish Language and Culture

Refoyl's Yiddish Resources

Yugntruf - Youth for Yidish

Yiddish Language and Culture

Yiddishpiel - Yiddish Theater in Israel

The Congress for Jewish Culture

Yiddish Vocabulary / Word Lists / Phrases

English Words of Yiddish Origin

Glossary of Hebrew and Yiddish Terms

Yiddish Alphabet, Pronunciation and Language

Yiddishkeit - List of Yiddish Words and Expressions

Google Search Engine in Yiddish

Yiddish dictionary lookup

Yiddish / French

Talking Jewish: Words and Phrases

Yiddish Books / Short Stories / Text

Yiddish Book Center

Haifa Univ. - The World of Yiddish
(including short stories in PDF format with MP3 audio files)

USA Library of Congress - Yiddish Language Playscripts

Soviet-Era Yiddish Authors

Yiddish Songs and Poetry

Zemerl - The Yiddish Song Database (Internet archive site)

The Joel Fishstein Collection of Yiddish Poetry Exhibit

The Poems of Rajzel Zychlinsky z"l

Yiddish Newspapers / Journals / Newsletters

The Yiddish Forward

National Library of Israel: Archives of 65 Yiddish Newspapers

Der Bavebter Yid (Yiddish-language literary journal)

Der Bay - Anglo-Yiddish Newsletter

Yiddish Radio / Audio / Music

The Yiddish Voice - A Yiddish-language radio show

Boston's Yiddish Voice WUNR 1600 AM

The Yiddish Radio Project

The Robert and Molly Freedman
Jewish Music Archive

The Rubin Sound Archives - Yiddish Folksongs

Oral Histories - Interviews about Yiddish language and culture

Winnipeg Canada Yiddish radio program - February 23, 2025
Osher Kraut presents a program of songs
from Yiddish Cinema (28 minutes, English and Yiddish)

Winnipeg Canada Yiddish radio program - February 23, 2025
Rochelle Zucker shines the spotlight on the Barry Sisters.
(28 minutes, Yiddish)

Selected Yiddish Videos on Youtube

Watch 40 Yiddish Videos
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sit back, relax and enjoy the videos!

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Below are the individual Yiddish videos from the above playlist

Sassi Keshet and Dudu Fisher
singing medley of Yiddish Songs

A Yiddishe Mame" by Aelita Fitingof

Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" - in Yiddish

GOY - Netta's TOY super-Jewish cover in Yiddish!

Yiddish Fiddler on the Roof

18 Yiddish Folk Songs

Yiddish Song - Belz, Mayn Shtetele Belz

The Paper Brigade:
Tour of the YIVO Exhibit with Dr. David Fishman

Brewing Tea the Yiddish Way

Primor Orange Juice (commercial in Yiddish)

Bagel Bagel (commercial in Yiddish)

Samsung Galaxy S8 Kosher Phone (commercial in Yiddish)

Yiddish Medley - Rama Mesinger, Yael Bar Zohar,
Michal Yanay and Chany Nachmias

Moti and Doreen Giladi singing Comic / Musical songs

Chad Gadya in Yiddish - Zemiros Group

Beatles A Hard Days Night in Yiddish

Lullaby in Yiddish

"California Dreamin'" - Yiddish Parody (Kalifornyer Kholem)

The Flintstones - in Yiddish!

Khad-gadyo - Yiddish Passover song

Mu adabru, mu asapru: "Echad Mi Yodea" in Yiddish

Ikh Bin a Kleyner Dreydl in Yiddish

"This Land is Your Land" in Yiddish (m&f)

Que Sera Sera in Yiddish

Learn Popular Yiddish Words with Amy Walker!

40 Yiddish words you should know

Jabberwocky in Yiddish (Yomervokhetz)

"Over the Rainbow" in Yiddish,
performed by Temma Schaechter (f)

"New York New York": Explained and Sung in Yiddish (f)

"To Life, To Life, L'chaim" in Yiddish (m&f)

Yiddish O Canada (m&f)

"Let It Go" in Yiddish ("Loz Aroys"),
sung by Temma Schaechter (f)

"God Bless America" in Yiddish ("Got Bentsh Amerike") (m&f)

Mike Burstyn Sings Hassidic Twist in Yiddish

Auld Lang Syne in Yiddish (m&f)

The Megillah in Yiddish (m&f, 89 minutes)

Purim Play! Megillah Cycle by Itzik Manger (Megile-lider)
(m&f, 76 minutes)

Makhts Of (Open Up!) - Purim song in Yiddish

Zalmen Mlotek "Living Room Concerts"
A Selection of Yiddish Purim Songs

Haynt iz Purim Brider - Zeh Hayom Yom Purim
- Yiddish Song - Purim Song - Sung by Marc Berman

Yiddish Facebook Pages / Groups

The Yiddish Language

Yung Yidish Tel Aviv

The Yiddish Book Center


Paris Yiddish

The New Facebook Shtetl

Learn Yiddish

Yiddish Playlists on Spotify

Yiddish - Male Vocals

Yiddish - Female Vocals

Yiddish Playlists on Youtube

Yiddish Songs - Male

Yiddish Songs - Female or Co-ed

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