Clever Humor

Updated: March 24, 2025

Why I Favor the Fahrenheit Scale

Last Night the Internet Stopped Working

Life on Social Media

Shoe Repair

Free Snow Shoveling Class Tomorrow

Why I Do Not Dust

Fast Food

Quotes of Steven Wright

Library Humor


Fitness Protection Program

Funny English Contradictions

Book Hospital

Bread is like the Sun


Prince Hamlet

Thank You to all my Fans

Why do Seagulls fly over the Sea?

The Two Unwritten Laws of Life

Still Didn't find my other Sock!

Facebook is like a Fridge

Sorry, We Don't Serve Peanuts on this Flight

First Law of Cartoon Physics

Interview in an IT company

Filet Minion

Remove Child Before Washing

The Little Toe

The Weight Watchers Website
Just Asked Me If I Accept Cookies

How to Confuse Machine Learning

Product Reliability!

Fork in the Road


I Put Together a Puzzle in 1 Day

Chocolate is Vital for our Survival

Don't Tell Secrets in the Garden

Car Dashboard Symbols and Meanings

The Art and The Artist

Fun with Fruit

Ant Words

Conspiracy Theory

Artificial Intelligence

Gardening Tip

Your Password

The Great Escape

Touch My Coffee...

This Is Why I Have Trust Issues


According to the Law of Infinite Probability

IKEA Just Dropped Off Our Snowman!

World's Most Accurate Pie Chart

Couch Potato

Is that a Human?

A Hot Summer

The Conversation

Where do Bad Rainbows go?

Who Hates Speeding Tickets?

Take a Second and Watch

Where is Waldo?

Support Bacteria

Evaporated Milk

Artificial Intransigence

I Ordered a Dozen Bees

Things Change and Things Stay the Same

Cursor and Precursor

Faces in Things


Living Lesson

Why is the Electric Bill so High?

Quick Animal Fact

Places People Hear Classical Music

Biker Who Identifies as a Cyclist

Planned Service Changes

Stressed Spelled Backwards is Desserts

We all get Heavier as we get Older

You're Grounded!

Spring is in the Air

Scrat Bathroom Art

The Night I Lost Control

Frog Parking Only

Finally Found the Root Square!

Laundry Day on a Pirate Ship

Star Wars Day - May 4th

Happy Pi Day!

I'm pretty sure Fred Flinstone
drove past my house today

What if Slugs
are just Divorced Snails

Ikea Water Kit

Beethoven's Ninth

Air and Space Museum

Knights of the Ikea Table

Pyramid Scheme

We Can Remove It

Rules of Chocolate

Protecting Your Food

Animal Pun Discussion

A Quote for Every Occasion

Google Now Hiring

Not All Turtles are Born in the Wild

Beginner Weights

100% Vegan Ice Cream

Clever Sayings

Egg Fear

Material Witness


The Ottoman Empire

Wedding Vowels

Corrective Lens

Element Confrontation

The Buddy System

Well Played

Your Package

Cookie Is Not Amused!

They Met Online

Snow Face

Face Illusions

Light Travels Faster Than Sound

Snow Drunk

Word Play from an English Teacher

Puns for Educated Minds

Additional Uses for Corona Masks

Introducing Genderless Lego

Goodbye Egg

You can never be too careful...

My local IKEA manager is retiring,
so I decided to send him a cake

My Mind Is Like My Internet Browser

The More You Weigh...

Just Burned 3,000 Calories!!

Things to Think About

Live Long and Prosper

He's Out Standing in His Field

Hey Europe! You Look Great! Have You Lost a Few Pounds?

Give it to your mother, she knows how to do it

Two Feet of Snow

Oy Waze Mir

Egged submarine route 480 from TLV to Jerusalem

Me? Seriously?

English is Hard

Adam and Eve Baby Pictures

Sunset Basket

Third Time Ice Cream

Family Tree of Vincent Van Gogh

Speed Checked by Radar

How to Get Your Kids to do Chores

Speaking Softly

The Tunnel

English Language Cartoons and Puns

I Ordered a Chicken and an Egg from Amazon


Bug - Feature

IKEA to take over GM

Sometimes You Need to Pick Yourself Up

4,000 Years Later...

Cartoonist is a Lousy Speller

Delete Cookies?!

Just bought a book from IKEA

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