TOP 10 SIGNS THE NEW MIR COMPUTER IS RUNNING WINDOWS 95 10. The computer keeps asking you to "Insert Setup Disk #3 to continue." 9. There is no space left on the hard drive to store mission data, and life support files are offered as the suggested area to delete to make some room. 8. After docking with Mir, the new computer remapped all of the Space Shuttle's drives, and now the Shuttle is unable to disembark to return to Earth. 7. Millions of dollars are traced to phone calls to a Redmond, WA 900 number owned by Microsoft Support. 6. Mir astronauts are caught stealing RAM from other satellite's computers to keep their system running. 5. Other Space Shuttles can no longer dock with Mir since "the proper driver cannot be found." 4. The system locks up whenever the astronauts try to run life support, the satellite dish for the NFL Sunday Ticket and orbiting control thrusters at the same time. 3. The astronauts spend three days looking for Cyrillic version of the CTRL-ALT-DEL keys to reboot the system. 2. Every time they reboot the new Mir computer, it asks if you want to use Internet Explorer as your default navigation program, and even insists that it can get you to and back without getting lost. No guarantees that you will get your email though! And the Number 1 Sign The New Mir Computer Is Running Windows 95... 1. You start receiving welcoming e-mail from the Borg.