Cinema City in Jerusalem
5th of Kislev, 5777 - December 5, 2016
Cinema City Jerusalem Facebook Album

Jerusalem Day Flag March
Sha'ar Shechem to the Kotel
28th of Iyar, 5776 - June 5, 2016

3D Sidewalk Art in Jerusalem
April 25, 2016 - Chol Hamoed Pesach

Festival of Light in Jerusalem
June 3, 2015
Festival of Light in Jerusalem Videos

Yom Yerushalayim in the Old City
7pm before the flag marchers arrived
May 17, 2015

The Chanukiyot Collection in Bukharim
December 11, 2014
My article about the collection:

Sukkot in Jerusalem
October 14, 2014
Sukkot in Jerusalem Facebook Album

The Event and JBNF Conference
August 14, 2014

Salute to Olim Festival in Jerusalem
July 3, 2014
Fountainheads perform at the Salute to Olim Festival
Jerusalem Barbershop perform at the Salute to Olim Festival

Festival of Light in Jerusalem
June 11, 2014
Festival of Light in Jerusalem Video

Jerusalem Day Flag March
May 28, 2014

Remnants of the Jerusalem Snowstorm
5 Days after the Snowstorm
December 17, 2013
Remnants of the Jerusalem Snowstorm Facebook Album

The Jerusalem Central Bus Station Synagogue
October 24, 2013
I was at the 13:00 Mincha and a 20:45 Ma'ariv
(many minyans all during the afternoon and evening)
Egged Synagogue Facebook Album

Jerusalem Model Train Exhibition
August 8, 2013
Train Exhibition Video
Jerusalem Model Train Exhibition Facebook Album

Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
June 10, 2013
Jerusalem Biblical Zoo Facebook Album

Jerusalem Ice Festival
April 15, 2012
Near the Old Train Station
Jerusalem Ice Festival Facebook Album
Jerusalem Ice Festival Video

AACI July 4th / Canada Day Celebration
July 4, 2011
Kraft Stadium
Jerusalem 4th of July Videos

Jerusalem Festival of Light and Lunar Eclipse
June 15, 2011
First eclipse photo was taken around 10:00 pm in Ma'ale Adumim.
Next eclipse photos taken around 10:30 pm at Jaffa Gate.
Jerusalem Festival of Light Facebook Album
Jerusalem Festival of Light Video

Jerusalem Day Flag March
June 1, 2011
Photos taken a block from Kever Shimon Hatzadik,
in front of the Olive Tree Hotel, Bar Lev Avenue,
Hanevi'im Street, Sultan Suleiman Street, Sha'ar Shekhem,
Old City, The Kotel.
Jerusalem T-Shirts Facebook Album

Regional Councils Salute to Jerusalem Parade
May 30, 2011
Photos taken on Agron street near Kikar Paris.

Jerusalem "Lights of Hope"
May 9, 2011
Photos taken outside Yaffo Gate of the old city in Jerusalem
Lights of Hope photos also posted on Facebook.
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