![]() Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle by Dan Senor and Saul Singer |
Start-up Nation addresses the trillion dollar question: How is it that Israel-- a country of 7.1 million, only 60 years old, surrounded by enemies, in a constant state of war since its founding, with no natural resources-- produces more start-up companies than large, peaceful, and stable nations like Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada and the UK? |
![]() Moving Up: An Aliyah Journal by Laura Ben-David |
When she packed up her bags, her family, and her life, to depart the United States for a permanent move to Israel, Laura Ben-David never knew that Aliyah would be the most emotional, frustrating, moving, and hilarious experience of her life. "Moving Up: An Aliyah Journal" beautifully captures Laura Ben-David's family's highs and lows as they navigate Israeli bureaucracy, a new culture, a host of remarkable characters, and a 2,000-year-old dream, all with wit, energy, and passion. Compulsory reading for anyone considering Aliyah or already living in Israel, but all will enjoy this book - over and over again. |
![]() On Bus Stops, Bakers, and Beggars Only in Israel! by Tzivia Ehrlich-Klein |
This cheereful, inspiring book will introduce you to some of the wonderful people living in Eretz Yisroel, from the greengrocer to the street cleaner. Like its predecessors, this third volume of real-life vignettes opens a window onto the charm and miracles of daily life in the Holy Land. |
![]() Because It's Israel: An Aliyah Odyssey by Arthur Miller |
After thirty-five years of making annual trips to Eretz Israel, Arthur and his wife Ronnie, finally realize their life-long dream of making aliyah. Because It's Israel is Miller's first-hand account of their experience of adjusting to life in their new home. From purchasing real estate and a car to banking, to the post office, health care, and beyond. Miller's story gives a very practical account to the process of making aliyah. He draws interesting contrasts to life in the United States as it compares to life in Israel. Many of his stories are delightfully humorous while not ignoring the downsides to being half way around the world from loved ones left back in the US. |
![]() Haod Avi Chai The Short Vort Haggadah by David Goodman |
For many years, I have been going to my friends, the Goodmans, for Pesach Seder. During the seder, David Goodman, would give short vorts about the Haggadah. It reminds me of how my mother a"h, who was a Hebrew teacher in Brooklyn, would also give explanations during the seder. David has published a Haggadah called "Haod Avi Chai" with over 450 short vorts about the Haggadah. I highly recommend it. |
![]() The Complete Idiot's Guide to Jewish History and Culture, 2nd Edition by Rabbi Benjamin Blech |
This guide contains a complete, authoritative account of the Jewish people- including profiles of Biblical and political leaders-and focuses on understanding the Jewish influence on American and world culture, offering insights into the Yiddish and Hebrew languages, theater, art, literature, comedy, film, television, and more. |
![]() Sermons The Year 'Round by Rabbi Bernard L. Berzon Online (free) |
The ninety Sermons in this book - one drash or more for each sedrah in the chumash - represent a choice of sermons delivered from the pulpit of Congregation Ahavath Israel in Brooklyn, N.Y. since 1939. The sermons are alive with anecdotes, and stories, and quotations that iiluminate the message being presented. |
![]() Aloh Naale Eretz Yisrael and Aliyah in the Weekly Parsha by Rabbi Yerachmiel Roness |
Rabbi Yerachmiel Roness was born and
raised in Montreal, Canada. After serving as a
congregational Rabbi and as a Hillel Director in New
York City, he made Aliyah in 1983 with his wife Dina
and their five young children. |
![]() Days Are Coming A Journey theough the Jewish Year by Sivan Rahav-Meir |
The cycle of the Jewish year is a journey, taking each of us through a process of growth. Every holiday adds something special to our lives and personalities. In order to truly appreciate the gifts these holidays bring, we need to prepare for them, learn about them, and understand their relevance to our own lives. |
![]() Jewish and Israel Trivia Who doesn't love a good trivia challenge? by Ben Herskowitz |
Jewish & Israel Trivia takes your brain on a fun, fact-filled journey through history, culture, and all things Jewish. Fully illustrated and packed with all original questions, surprising hints, and Aha! moments, this book is the perfect combo of learning and laughing. |
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