Shlomit is building a sukkah
That is well-lit and green,
Thus she is busy today.
And it is not just a sukkah
That is well-lit and green -
Shlomit is building a sukkah of peace.
She will not forget to put in
A date palm branch and myrtle branches,
A green willow branch,
A pomegranate in its leaves,
And all the autumn fruits
With a distant scent of orchards.
And when Shlomit says,
'Behold, it is finished!'
Something wonderful will suddenly happen:
The neighbours will come,
One and all, en masse,
And they will all have room.
And then, out of the skhakh,
Will peer out and shine
A star as bright as a diamond:
Hello, sukkah of wonders,
How good and how pleasant
Shlomit is building a sukkah of peace.
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