IN TIMES OF DANGER and stress it is natural for people
to dream of a better day. The kind of future one projects
depends largely on the age, background and character of the
individual. A deprived young boy hopes to get a new pair of
skates or a bicycle. A poor young girl yearns for a doll or a
dress. A mature man prays that his business venture or his
professional career will be crowned with success. A nation at
war pleads for victory, security and peace.
King David who expresses in his magnificent psalms the
hopes and aspirations of klal Yisrael, states,
"But as for me, I will chant of Thy power. Aranen laboker
chasdekha. I will chant of Thy kindness in the morning"
(Ps. 59: 17).
In commenting on this verse, a sage says that the boker
--the morning-- of which David chants is the one mentioned in
our sidrah concerning the destruction of the Egyptian army
on the banks of the Red Sea. "And it was at the dawn of
the morning that God looked upon the army of Egypt with
a cloud of fire and smoke, and the army of Egypt was cast
into great confusion" (Exod. 14:24).
Another sage suggests that it refers to the boker when God
provided manna --the heavenly food-- for our famished
ancestors in the desert (Ibid. 16:8).
A third sage is of the opinion that the word boker in
David's psalm has reference to the glorious morning when
God gave the Torah to his people. "And on the third day, at
dawn, there were thunders and lightnings and a heavy cloud
on the mountain and the entire people in the camp trembled"
(Ibid. 19:16).
These short comments reveal a keen insight into the soul
of man, for they define the hopes and aspirations of the vast
majority of humanity.
Those who have experienced the ravages of war, who have
endured the losses that we have sustained at the hands of the
Nazis and the Arabs, pray to God for the boker of
kiryat yam suf. We yearn for the dawn when tyranny will be
obliterated and oppression will be no more. We hope for the day
when the Pharaohs of our time will be utterly defeated and Israel
will be secure and free.
There is yet another boker that animates the hearts and
minds of humanity, namely the craving for the dawn when
there will be manna for all. Why are the underprivileged of
the world in bitter protest and revolt against the so-called
Western World? Because there is a lack of the basic necessities
of life in a large segment of the underdeveloped lands,
because there is hunger and privation in many puts of Asia
and Africa. As a matter of fact, stop any person on the street
and ask him what he works for and he will tell you that he is
working to provide economic security for himself and his
loved ones. The world needs desperately the boker of
manna, when there will be bread and sufficient
nourishment for all.
The third boker is that of matan Torah. Without
the light of Torah, the first two bokers will be of short duration.
Only when the lex talionis, the law of the claw, will be eliminated
not only from the Council of Nations but from the hearts of
men, and the just and merciful laws of the Torah will be established
and applied as normal conditions of life, will political freedom and
financial security endure. The hearts that are saturated with hate,
and the minds that are soiled with crime will inevitably destroy the
benefits of kiryat yam suf and manna. It is the third
boker --the dawn of matan Torah-- that can assure
humanity of the continued blessings of "life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness."
Let us, therefore, dedicate ourselves to the attainment of
the three blessed bokers: to work for a just distribution of
manna, bring about the utter defeat of the modern Pharaohs,
and above all, to help usher in an era where the decent, ethical and
moral laws of our Torah will rule the hearts and minds of men.