Passover Photo Gallery

Updated: March 20, 2025

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Passover 5785 - 2025

Jerusalem's Matzos Shmura
3 Matzos Shmurot
For the Seder Night
Afikoman (Middle Mazah)

Organic Matzos
100% Whole Wheat Flour

Spelt Shmura Matzos

Hand Made Mehadrin Matzot

Whole Wheat Matzos

Jerusalem Hand Made Matzot

Jerusalem Shmura Matzot

Coated Matzo
Chocolate Flavored with Rainbow Sprinkles

Jerusalem's Machine Matzo Cake Meal

Spelt Matzo Meal

Matza Cracker from Potatos with Onions

Matza Cracker from Potatos with Onions

Panko Crumb Chips for Frying and Baking
No Kitniot
Non Gebrokts
(Gebrokts is a Yiddish word that refers to
matzah that has come in contact with water.)

Rich Matza Cookies
Half Side Chocolate Covered

Rich Matza Wine Cookies

Celebrate Passover with the Sweetness of Nature
Rami Levy Date Spread

Osem Chocolate Chip Home Cake - Kosher for Passover
No Gluton
No Kitniot

Osem Coconut Brownies Home Cake - Kosher for Passover
No Gluton
No Kitniot

Osem Marble Home Cake - Kosher for Passover
No Gluton
No Kitniot

Natural Date Spread
Happy Passover!

The Variety that is Kosher for Pesach
New - Mini Eggs

For the Good Times of the Holiday
Upgrade Every Dish
Kinneret Date
Date Syrup - 100% Natural Dates
A Happy and Kosher Pesach - Rami Levy Supermarket

Barilla Gluton Free
Penne Rigate (type of pasta)

Three Kitchen Towels
"Only Love Will Win"
"There will be Good Days to Come"
"It will be a Good Day"

The perfect routine behind your smile
Kosher for Passover
Special Manufacturing Run for Passover

Thorough cleaning of every corner of the house

Minimum Oil, Maximum Flavor
A Happy and Healthy Passover

Happy Spring Festival
A Happy and Kosher Pesach - Rami Levy Supermarket

Bamba Haggadah
Bamba Pyramid

See: Only in Israel - Bamba Pyramid Passover Edition

Passover 5784 - 2024

Kosher for Passover
Large Size Egg
Last day that it can be sold: April 19
Refrigerated till: May 19

Eggs in Israel are stamped to ensure that they are not illegally produced or imported.
The digit number on the egg (8517) is the code for the sorting station
that the egg passed through. All eggs sold in Israel must pass through a sorting
station and are stamped. They are inspected for cleanliness and signs of disease.
From what I understood, the dye used to stamp the egg is Kosher for Passover.

Jerusalem's Matzos Shmura
3 Matzos Shmurot
For the Seder Night

Jerusalem's Matzos Shmura

Jerusalem's Matzos Shmura

Yehuda Matzos
Kosher for Passover

Whole Wheat Matzot

Matzah Shmura

Osem Chicken Soup
Products Kosher for Passover

Osem Chocolate Chip Home Cake - Kosher for Passover
No Gluton
No Kitniot

Kosher for Passover
(manufactured before) Passover Eve
Tnuva 5% Cottage Cheese

Passover 5783 - 2023

Happy Spring Holiday
Kosher for Passover
Rio Mare - Real Italian Taste

Kosher for Passover
Fusilla - Penne Rigate

Happy Spring Holiday!
Kosher for Passover
Winning Taste, Winning Price!

When you love, give the Sweetest... Kosher for Passover

Happy Spring Holiday
Kosher for Passover
Complete Supervision Behind Your Smile

Change toothbrush every 3 months
Brush teeth for 2 minutes
Rinse your mouth for 1 minute
* Check the packaging that the product is Kosher for Passover

Happy Spring Holiday
Kosher for Passover
Every family member can

Checked that you will have a Happy Spring Holiday!
Dr. Fischer
Kosher for Passover

Happy Spring Holiday
Kosher for Passover

Happy Spring Holiday!
Kosher for Passover
Winning Taste, Winning Price!

Happy Holiday
Kosher for Passover
Elite Coffee

New on the Shelf

Coconut, Coco, Chocolate at Rami Levi Prices

Chicken Soup for Passover at Rami Levi Prices

Happy Spring Holiday!
Kosher for Passover
Only Good Things!

Happy and Sweet Holiday!
Kosher for Passover

Tnuva 5% Cottage Cheese

Tnuva 5% Cottage Cheese
Kosher for Passover, Eve of Passover
Use till: March 19
Cottage Cheese enriched with Calcium

Have a Clean and Kosher Pesach


Jerusalem "Shmura" Matzah

Chocolate Coated Matzo

Matzo Meal 100% Organic Whole Spelt

Jerusalem Machine Matzo Meal

Organic Matzo 100% Whole Spelt Flour

Potato Cracker

Rye Matzos

Tnuva Kosher for Passover
Medium Size Egg
Last day that it can be sold: March 28,
Refrigerated till: April 27

Eggs in Israel are stamped to ensure that they are not illegally produced or imported.
The digit number on the egg (5096) is the code for the sorting station
that the egg passed through. All eggs sold in Israel must pass through a sorting
station and are stamped. They are inspected for cleanliness and signs of disease.
From what I understood, the dye used to stamp the egg is Kosher for Passover.

Passover 5782 - 2022

Pesach Kasher v'Sameach!
Have a Happy and Kosher Passover!
Sign at Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

Choketa - Have a Sweet and Happy Passover

Tnuva Cottage Cheese
Kosher L'Pesach Erev Pesach

Why do Israeli Dairies stamp "Erev Pesach"

Tnuva Kosher for Passover
Medium Size Egg
Last day that it can be sold: April 21,
Refrigerated till: May 21

Eggs in Israel are stamped to ensure that they are not illegally produced or imported.
The four digit number on the egg (3980) is the code for the sorting station
that the egg passed through. All eggs sold in Israel must pass through a sorting
station and are stamped. They are inspected for cleanliness and signs of disease.
From what I understood, the dye used to stamp the egg is Kosher for Passover.
See: Buying eggs on Pesach

We Take Care that You will Have
A Happy Pessach
Just as you Like
Sign at entrance to Supersol Deal

Wine display at Supersol Deal

A Variety of Sales
that will make your
Holiday Happy

Osem Soup Nuts Rings
Kosher for Passover

Products Kosher for Passover

Yehuda Matzot

5 Packages of Aviv Matzot

Rishon Whole Wheat Matzot

Yehuda Whole Wheat Matzot

Knorr Kneidlach

Eclair Chocolate Chip Cake
Kosher for Passover, No Kitniyot

Osem Chocolate - Chocolate Chip Cake
Kosher for Passover
No Gluton
No Kitniyot

Gefilte Fish

We Take Care that You will Have
A Happy Pessach
Just as you Like
Sign at Exit of Supersol Deal

Spring has Arrived
Passover is Coming!
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

Master Chef
Happy Holiday!

G Free
A lot of taste, without gluton!
Kosher for Passover

The Perfect Routine
Behind the Smile
Kosher for Passover

Celebrating a Sweet and Happy Passover
Kosher for Passover

Passover 5781 - 2021

Happy Spring Holiday!
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

Pesach Kasher V'Sameach!
A Kosher and Happy Passover
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

Kosher for Passover

Yehuda Matzot

Passover 5780 - 2020

1963 Haggadah that my grandparents from Jerusalem gave me

1963 Haggadah that my grandparents from Jerusalem gave me

1963 Haggadah that my grandparents from Jerusalem gave me

1963 Haggadah that my grandparents from Jerusalem gave me
(Same publisher and text but different cover)

Matzah Cover with inserts for 3 Matzot

When my mother z"l was a child growing up in Jerusalem
she sewed this afikoman pouch with her name (Hennia) in Hebrew

Our seder plate from over 50 years ago

Our little seder curved plates from over 50 years ago

"Zeroa" - shank bone

"Karpas" - vegetable like parsley

"Haroset" - paste made of fruits, nuts and wine

"Beitzah" - egg

My Israeli Passover Seder now has Passover paper plates from the USA
(made in China)

Passover 5779 - 2019

Bus 174 - Chag Pesach Sameach - Happy Passover

Bedikat Chometz Bread
Friends visting Israel brought this from the USA

Bedikat Chometz Set
Feather, Spoon and Beeswax Candle

Happy and Kosher Passover Holiday
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

Tnuva Kosher for Passover
Last day that it can be sold: April 20, Refrigerated till: May 20

Eggs in Israel are stamped to ensure that they are not illegally produced or imported.
The digit number on the egg is the code for the sorting station
that the egg passed through. All eggs sold in Israel must pass through a sorting
station and be stamped. They are inspected for cleanliness and signs of disease.
From what I understood, the dye used to stamp the egg is Kosher for Passover.

Update April 19: I just noticed that the egg above does not have a sorting station number.
I wonder if Tnuva eggs are checked differently or I missed the code on the egg.
Here is an egg from this week with the sorting station number 2240:

This Passover Only Supersol

Passover Table
Supersol, Canion Adumim

Passover Table
Supersol, Canion Adumim

Matzot Yehuda

Whole Wheat Matzot
Kosher for Passover

Matzos Shemura

Osem Soup Nut Rings
Kosher for Passover

Kosher for Passover
Without kitneyot
(Osem Soup Nut Rings)

Kinder Surprise Egg
The Minions Around the World
Kosher for Passover

Kosher for Passover - OU Dairy
With kitneyot :-(

Chag Sameach - Happy Holiday

Kosher for Passover
Without kitneyot
Special Production for Passover

Celebrating the Holiday with a Smile
Kosher for Passover

Celebrating the Holiday with a Smile

Holiday Package
3 Tooth Brushes

Dalton Winery wishes you a Happy Holiday

A Happy Kosher and Tasty Holiday

Passover 5778 - 2018

(Bus) 174 - "Chag Pesach Sameach"
Happy Passover Holiday

Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday)
Pesach, Matzah and Tabor
Hebrew tag for Har (Mount Tabor) Wine
(FYI: The three commanded items for the seder are: Pesach, Matzah and Maror)

Chag Sameach (Happy Holiday)
Pesach, Matzah and Tabor
Hebrew tag for Har (Mount Tabor) Wine

Kneidel Mix
Kosher for Passover

Kosher for Passover
Happy and Kosher Holiday

Happy and Kosher Passover Holiday
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

Jerusalem Matzah Shmurah
3 Matzot Shmurot
For the Seder Night

Whole Wheat Matzah

Fanta - Happy Holiday
Orange Flavored Soda Pop

Kosher for Passover
Happy and Kosher Holiday

Kosher for Passover - Last day that it can be sold: April 4, Refrigerated till: May 4

Eggs in Israel are stamped to ensure that they are not illegally produced or imported.
The four digit number on the egg (5558) is the code for the sorting station
that the egg passed through. All eggs sold in Israel must pass through a sorting
station and be stamped. They are inspected for cleanliness and signs of disease.
From what I understood, the dye used to stamp the egg is Kosher for Passover.

3d Passover Haggadah
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

Passover 5777 - 2017

Happy Spring Holiday
Jerusalem Municipality - Kikar Safra

Kosher for Passover - Last day that it can be sold: April 7, Refrigerated till: May 7

Eggs in Israel are stamped to ensure that they are not illegally produced or imported.
The four digit number on the egg (1008) is the code for the sorting station
that the egg passed through. All eggs sold in Israel must pass through a sorting
station and be stamped. They are inspected for cleanliness and signs of disease.
From what I understood, the dye used to stamp the egg is Kosher for Passover.

A Happy and Kosher Passover
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma (supermarket)

Happy Spring Holiday

Happy Spring Holiday!

Happy and Sweet Spring Holiday!
Kosher for Passover

Master Chef
The Tastes of the World in your Kitchen
Kosher for Passover

Passover 5776 - 2016

Bus 174 - Happy Holiday

Koshering Utensils for Passover

Koshering Utensils for Passover

Koshering Utensils for Passover

Koshering Utensils for Passover

Koshering Utensils for Passover

Koshering Utensils for Passover

Koshering for Passover

3d Passover Haggadah
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

3d Passover Haggadah
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

With the approaching Spring and Passover Festival
We Wish You and Your Family
A Kosher and Happy Holiday!
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma
(1st page of 3d Passover Haggadah)

Ben & Jerry's
Special for Passover
Reuveni's Market

Ben & Jerry's
Kosher for Passover

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Back Label

A Kosher and Happy Passover
to the whole Nation of Israel
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma

Gefen Real Mayonnaise
Reuveni's Market

Gefen Premium Tomato Sauce
Reuveni's Market

Gefen Cranberry Sauce
Reuveni's Market

Gefen Manarin Segments
Reuveni's Market

Gefen Chip de Chocolate Macaroons
Reuveni's Market

Kedem Grape Juice
Reuveni's Market

Maya Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Kosher for Passover
Reuveni's Market

Gefilte Fish
Carp Patties
Kosher for Passover

In Aramaic: "This is the Bread of Affliction"
In Hebrew: (from the Haggadah)
Mixture to Prepare Matzah Meal Rolls
Kosher for Passover

Coop Shop
Kosher for Passover
Osem Chicken Flavored Soup

Passover Specials at the Coop Shop
10 Products for 9.90 shekels
10 Products for 10.90 shekels

Gifts for the Holiday
That You Should Not Miss

Holiday Package
Special Kosher for Passover 5776 Production

Happy Spring Holiday!

Adding Taste to the Holiday

Matzah Meal

Complete Cleaning
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma (supermarket)

Complete Cleaning
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma (supermarket)

Passover 5775 - 2015

Bus 174 in Ma'ale Adumim
Pesach Kasher V'Sameach - A Kosher and Happy Passover

A Kosher and Happy Passover
Kosher for Passover - No kitneyot
In accordance with Heter Mechira

Tapuchips - Happy Holiday!

Elite - Happy Holiday!

The Jerusalem Municipality wishes you a Happy Spring Holiday

Passover Table at the entrance of the Co-op Supermarket in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Passover Table at the entrance of the Co-op Supermarket in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Shopping you do at the Co-op Shop - Happy Holiday!


Airy Kneidlach


Kosher for Passover - Last day that it can be sold: 27/3, Refrigerated till: 27/4

Eggs in Israel are stamped to ensure that they are not illegally produced or imported.
The four digit number on the egg (1263) is the code for the sorting station
that the egg passed through. All eggs sold in Israel must pass through a sorting
station and be stamped. They are inspected for cleanliness and signs of disease.
From what I understood, the dye used to stamp the egg is Kosher for Passover.

Gefilte Fish

Elite Chocolate Brownies
Kosher for Passover - Parve, No kitneyot

Pillsbury Chocolate Cake
Special Edition - Kosher for Passover

Kosher for Peseach CocaCola in the Co-op Supermarket in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Kosher for Peseach CocaCola in the Co-op Supermarket in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Favorite Mayonnaise
Kosher for Passover
Heinz Real Mayonnaise
Co-op Shop - My Supermarket - Koshe for Passover

Favorite Mayonnaise
Kosher for Passover
Heinz Real Mayonnaise

Osem Soup Nuts - Rings
Kosher for Passover

Osem Chocolate, Chocolate Chip Home Cake - Kosher for Passover
No Kitniot

Osem Coconut Brownies Home Cake - Kosher for Passover
No Kitniot

Osem Marble Home Cake - Kosher for Passover
No Kitniot

Happy Spring Holiday
Rami Levy Shivuk HaShekma (supermarket)

Real Italian Taste - Kosher for Passover

Orbital - Feel free to open your mouth
Kosher for Passover Badatz

Holiday Package

Family Package - Kosher for Passover

Passover 5774 - 2014

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