The Passover Humor Pages
Updated: March 24, 2025
Selected Funny Stuff - Passover
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Happy Pessach!!
Passover Challah for Shabbat
A Clever Passover PR Campaign
Minions Happy Passover
When to Eat Matzah Ball Soup...
Lego Passover
Horseradish Macaroons
Eliyahu in a Box
C is for Chametz
3000 years ago today...
Passover Salt Water
Matzah - The Original Fast Food
It is forbidden to send emails on Passover
"And that, Harry, is how we search for Hametz"
Emoji Seder
Technically, Moses was the First
Passover is Coming Soon
Paddington Bear goes Kosher for Passover
Facebook Haggadah
Kosher for Passover Bus
Emoji Haggada
The Passover Table
Red Sea Selfie
Kosher for Passover Lego
He has risen! He has not.
Chametz Busters
Pacman Gefilte Fish
World's Largest Gefilte Fish
Next Generation Bedikat Chametz
Moses on Facebook
The Passover House
A Heavenly Break
My Car is Ready for Pesach
Nissan - Chodesh Tov
Kneidel Man
The Dark Knight Rises...
Google Chometz Search
Pigeons and Passover
Passover Fashions
Crossing the Red Sea
Seder of the Minions
Ready for Passover
2020 Passover Seder
Passover and the Corona Virus
(67 cartoons / memes, 44 videos)
The Pesach Cokes
6th Day of Passover
AI Matza Ball
Kittel by Kedem
Seder Boss
I identify as Matzah
I'm So Makpid on Kitniyos
He Eats Gebrochts
jetBlue Pesach Marketing Campaign
The Four Sons
Hagga-dah Matzah Ball Ice Cream
On the 3rd day of Pesach
the hallucinations begin
I did not see any Goat
Passover Ten Plagues Finger Puppets
Parting Gift
I set my Roomba to Pesach Mode
Beware of the Chametz!
Passover that Wine
Passover's Bitter Herbs
Passover Food Pyramid (Hebrew)
Ok, I do not see any Chometz here
The Ten Plagues in Hebrew
The Four Sons
I found the Afikoman...
Which Passover Dessert Are You?
The First Bloody Mary?
A Little Passover Story
Featuring the Ten Plagues!
Pesach Cleaning
Ashkenazic Koala Finds Out...
Herb, Why So Bitter?
Passover Top 10 Lists
Ma Nishtana 2021
Quarantine and Passover Venn Diagram
The Jewish Mask Collection
Dr. Seuss and Social Distancing during Pesach
Corona Virus Haggadah
B'nei Yisrael Were Here
The Plagues by Dov Abramson Studio
Do not forget "Eruv Tavshilin"
Typing the word "Chometz" in Google
Conventional Verse Alternative Seder (Hebrew)
Ten Modern Plagues
Matzo Ball
Which Seder Plate Item Are You?
And remember, when we get there
The Seder Sidekick 2018
Cleaning out his Cabinet
Blazing Saddles - Kosher for Passover
Har Sinai
Eating Bamba
Pre-Pesach Protests
Evolution of Pesach Cleaning
Moses Lost in the Desert...Year 40
The Two-Minute Haggadah
Drink from Eliyahu's Cup
Passover Dvar Torah from President Trump
Dear Eliyahu
50 Ways to Leave Mitzrayim
Buy my Chometz
Papyrus Newspaper Headlines for the Seder
Who Said?
How Does Moses Make Beer?
After Hours of Passover Preparation
Arriving in 40 Years
Pizza in the Living Room
Pesach Crime Scene
Nothing to Eat
Ten Plagues Finger Puppets
Matzah Map of Israel
The New Pharaoh
It's the Economy
Many Choices
Passover Tie
Passover Riddles
Morty's Passover Cleaning
Bloomberg Limits Seder Portions
Ten Plagues Fingernails
Moses and Coffee
Little Moses
Everyone's Going to Tablets
Moses' Childhood
Live Long and Matzot
Kids Sense Pesach
The Four Questions of the Seder
The Passover Police
Dayenu Chart
People Who Enjoy the Taste of Matzah
Moses as a Lifeguard
Let My People Go
Time Spent During the Seder
No Bread?!
Let My People Stay
Miss My Warm Pecan Pie
(tune of Don McLean's "American Pie")
Sez Who? Pessach Riddles for Kids
Papyrus Newspaper Headlines for the Seder
They Finally Got It Right
Disco Deliverance: "We Will Survive"
We Were Slaves
5 Passover Songs (PDF format 5k)
First Plague as reported on Twitter
Pesach Cleaning 2010
Bad Marketing Research
Dress Up
Uh Oh
Got Matzoh, Need Prunes
Passover for Dummies
Follow Me
No Chametz
Special Passover Matzot
Love Passover Cleaning
A Startling Find
Let Them Go (tune of "Let It Snow")
Rock and Roll Haggadah
(tune of "Pinball Wizard")
We Didn't Start The Seder
(tune of "We didn't Start the Fire")
The Matzah Show
(tune of "The Muppet Show")
The Ten Plagues
(tune of "Adams Family")
Haroset (tune of "Brown Sugar")
Those Were the Plagues
(tune of "Those Were the Days")
The Seder Plate Song
(tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star")
Leaving On a Desert Plane
(tune of "Leaving on a Jet Plane")
Pesach Macarena (tune of "Macarena")
Pharaoh, Pharaoh
(tune of "Louie, Louie")
Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda
(tune of "Camp Granada")
Passover Sages, Be Wary, It's Time
( "Scarborough Fair")
Matzah Shmurah!
(tune of "That's Amore")
The Plague Song
(tune of "This Old Man" )
Moses (tune of "The Flintstones")
Passover Story
(tune of "The Brady Bunch")
HIP To Offer Passover Insurance
Passover Songs (Beatles Paradoy)
Top Ten failed Passover Promotions
The Passover Play
The Dysfunctional Family Seder Survival Guide
Passover Song
(tune of Hotel California)
Passover Story by The New York Times
Sinai Wilderness Experience
Exodus of the 3 Stooges
Exodus: On the Light Side
Aren't you Moses?
The Minus Y2K Bug
- What Really Plagued Ancient Egypt
Banned from Egypt
Pesach and Use of the Web
Halachik Issues for Peisach
Into The Sea - Shlock Rock
The Four Questionables - Shlock Rock
Bitter Herb
Seder Pickup Lines
The 10 Plagues
An Adam Sandler Passover
At Hebrew School
Pesach lunch
Building Airplanes
What to Eat
Knighted by the Queen
Twas The Night After Seder
The Dr. Seuss 4 questions
The Computer Engineer's Haggadah
Pharaoh and the Plagues
Passover Quiz
No Chrain?
Once upon a time....
Uncle Eli's Special-for-Kids Haggadah
16 Passover Songs (very good)
Absolut Haggadah (PDF)
Passover Songbook by Shosh Hill (PDF)
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