Purim Photos

Happy Purim!

Updated: February 17, 2025

Images also available on Facebook at:

Purim 5785 - 2025

Date and Poppy Seed Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Purim Pasteries

Lotus (parve) Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Purim Pasteries

Chocolate Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Purim Pasteries

Neeman Bakery - Canion Adumim
24 days before Purim

Purim 5784 - 2024

Kinder - "Purim Celebrations That We Will Not Forget"

Kinder - A special Purim experience for the holiday

Chocketa Kids - Happy Purim!

Happy Purim

Happy Purim

A Sweet Purim Celebration

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim!

Haribo - Happy Purim!

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim!
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Baskets

Purim Noise Makers

Purim Noise Makers

Purim Masks

Purim Mishloach Manot Bags
Rami Levy Supermarket

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Purim Pasteries
Rami Levy Supermarket

פַּרְוָה - אָזְנֵי הַמָּן שׁוֹקוֹלָד

Parve Chocolate Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Purim Pasteries
Bon Pat Bakery, Canion Adumim
January 29 - 53 days before Purim

Parve Chocolate Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Purim Pasteries

Purim 5783 - 2023

Happy Purim!
Rami Levy Supermarket

Happy Purim!

Raashanim (groggers / noisemakers)

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim! Napkins

Purim Baskets

Happy Purim!

Purim Face Masks

Chocketa Purim Boxes

Happy Purim Goodies Box

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Purim Pasteries

Happy Purim

Kinder and Holiday Super Heros

A Particularly Happy Purim
Ferrero Rocher

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim!
Abadi - is something else

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim!
Elite Chocolates

Purim Wines, Hamentashim and Goodies
Supersol Deal in Canion Adumim

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Purim Pasteries

Kinder Purim Display

Happy Purim from Mentos
(Israeli made Mentos are Kosher, others are not)

Happy Purim from Osem

Purim 5782 - 2022

Happy Purim!
When the month of Adar arrives
we should increase our joy.
Rami Levy Supermarket

Happy Purim!

Elite Chocolates Purim Box

Elite Bazooka Joe Bubble Gum

Toffifee Cookies

Toffifee Cookies

Click Chololates Display

Rami Levy Purim Display

Israeli Air Force Purim Logos

Supersol "Adloyada"
Purim Sign at Supersol Deal in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Yes To Fresh Happy Purim!

Supersol Purim Display

Happy Purim

Happy Purim!
When the month of Adar arrives
we should increase our joy.
Rami Levy Supermarket

Chocketa - Happy Purim


Kinder - "Purim Celebrations That We Will Not Forget"

Kinder - "Holiday Super Heros"

Mentos - Happy Purim!
(Israeli made Mentos are Kosher, others are not)

Sweet Purim

Happy Purim

Purim 5781 - 2021

Today, February 25, 2021,
a day before Purim,
I took the bus home from the
mall in Ma'ale Adumim.
The Hebrew sign on the front bumper
of the bus reads:
Have a good flight.
Under it: #GarinMaaleAdumim
The bus was decorated with
symbols of London, England
This was an Only in Israel Cool Purim Bus!

Kinder Purim Display
"Purim Celebrations That We Will Not Forget"

Klik Purim Display
"Purimon Sameach"

Purim Display at Supersol Deal

Supersol "Adloyada"
Purim Sign at Supersol Deal in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Chocolate Filled Oznai Haman
Supersol Deal in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Blueberry Filled Oznai Haman
Supersol Deal in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Oznai Haman
Supersol Deal in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Elite Chocolates Purim Box

Yogueta Purim Boxes

Purim 5780 - 2020

Special Purim Edition Coca-Cola Bottles
"Coca-Cola" in Hebrew Upside-down
Chag Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!

Special Purim Edition Coca-Cola Bottles
"Coca-Cola" in Hebrew Upside-down
Chag Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!

Special Purim Edition Coca-Cola Bottles
"Coca-Cola" in Hebrew Upside-down
Chag Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!

Purim Sameach!
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Sameach!
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Baskets for Mishloach Manot
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Baskets for Mishloach Manot
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Baskets for Mishloach Manot
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Baskets for Mishloach Manot
Rami Levy Supermarket

Small Mishloach Manot by Yogueta
Rami Levy Supermarket

Small Mishloach Manot by Yogueta
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Sameach!
Mishloach Manot
Rami Levy Supermarket

Elite Mishloach Manot - Dairy
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Sameach
Mishloach Manot

Chocolate Oznei Haman
Rami Levy Supermarket

Yogueta Purim Display - Purim Sameach
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Sameach
Yogueta Purim Sign at Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Sameach with Mentos
Purim Sign at Rami Levy Supermarket
(Israeli made Mentos are Kosher, others are not)

Supersol "Adloyada"
Purim Sign at Supersol Deal in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Purim Canival
Bazar Strauss sign above Purim costume racks
Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)

Note: Over 35 years in Israel and I still do a double take
when I see this Purim costume.
I also do a double take when I see chains of little blinking lights in a Sukkah.

Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!
Purim Display in Supersol Deal

Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!
Purim Display in Supersol Deal

Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!
Purim Display in Supersol Deal

Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!
Purim Display in Supersol Deal

Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!
Purim Display in Supersol Deal

Purim Mishloach Manot Boxes in Supersol Deal

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim)
Supersol Deal in Canion Adumim (Ma'ale Adumim Mall)
February 13, 2020 - 25 days before Purim

Purim 5779 - 2019

Bus 174 Purim Sameach - Happy Purim

Purim Sameach - Happy Purim
Smarties Display

Purim Sameach - Happy Purim
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim Sameach - Happy Purim

Elite Purim Chocolates Box

Elite Purim Chocolates Box

Feeling the Holiday
Osher Ad Supermarket, Jerusalem

Feeling the Holiday
Osher Ad Supermarket, Jerusalem

Purim Sameach
Mishloach Manot Bags

Happy Purim
Mishloach Manot Bags

A Wide Variety of Oznei Haman
filled with "song"

Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!
Rami Levy Supermarket, Mishor Adumim

Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!

Happy Holiday
5 for 10 Shekels

Happy Purim with Mentos

Chag Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim!
Rami Levy Supermarket Purim Price Tag

Happy Purim from Yogueta and Chocketa

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) Nougat Flavor

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) Date Flavor

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) Pereg Flavor

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) Chocolate Flavor

Mini Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) Filled with Date Spread
Rami Levy Supermarket

Chag Sameach!
Happy Holiday!
Rami Levy Supermarket

Purim 1915, Jerusalem
My maternal grandmother, Tzivia Grayevsky, a"h
is about 15 years old in the photo.
She is sitting in a white costume with a Purim basket

Additional photos at:

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim)
Bon Bat Bakery in Canion Adumim
December 19, 2018 - 90 days before Purim

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim)
Bon Bat Bakery in Canion Adumim
December 19, 2018 - 90 days before Purim

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim)
Bon Bat Bakery in Canion Adumim
December 19, 2018 - 90 days before Purim

Purim 5778 - 2018

Bus 174 - Happy Purim

Israel 1/2 Shekel Coin

On erev Purim, there is a custom to give three coins to charity,
to recall the half-shekel that was donated annually to
the Temple treasury in the month of Adar.

Purim Caricatures
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

70 Years - The State of Israel
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Herzl Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Ben-Gurion Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricatures
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

KitKat Happy Purim Display

Rami Levy Supermarket, Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim
Mentos Refreshes your Mishloach Manot

Purim Sameach!
Happy Purim

Rami Levy Supermarket, Mishor Adumim

Celebrating Purim with Carmel Winery already 135 Years

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) with Chocolate Filling

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) with Chocolate Filling

Happy Purim! Wine Sale Sign

Rami Levy Supermarket, Mishor Adumim

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim)

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim)

Reese's Happy Purim Display

Rami Levy Supermarket, Mishor Adumim

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) with Poppy Seed filling.

Rami Levy Supermarket, Mishor Adumim
January 22, 2018 - 37 days before Purim

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) with chocolate filling.

Rami Levy Supermarket, Mishor Adumim
January 22, 2018 - 37 days before Purim

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) with dates filling.

Rami Levy Supermarket, Mishor Adumim
January 22, 2018 - 37 days before Purim

Pillsbury - Happy Holiday!
Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) with Poppy Seed filling.

Co-op Shop Canion Adumim, Ma'ale Adumim
January 9, 2018 - 50 days before Purim

Oznei Haman (Hamentashim)

Co-op Shop Canion Adumim, Ma'ale Adumim
January 9, 2018 - 50 days before Purim

Purim 5777 - 2017

Bus 174 - Happy Purim

Happy Purim

Happy Purim - Elite

Happy Purim
Rami Levy Supermarket

Happy Purim
Skittles Display

Happy Purim
Skittles Display

Oznei Haman - Purim Pasteries

Happy Purim
Co-op Supermarket

Jacob Richman (me) as Mordechai
I was near the stage taking photos of the
A.H.A.V.A Readathon Awards Ceremony
and during the pre-awards Purim pantomime show
the mime motioned me up to the stage.
Photos by: Alon Mashraki

Purim Caricatures
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricatures
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricatures
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricatures
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricatures
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Purim Caricature
Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Traffic Circle #3 near City Hall in Ma'ale Adumim

Oznai Haman
Bon Appetit!
Co-op Supermarket in Ma'ale Adumim

Happy Purim with Mentos
Co-op Supermarket in Ma'ale Adumim

Yogueta Happy Purim!
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Yogueta Happy Purim!
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Yogueta Happy Purim!
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Also during Purim,
Loaker is amazing!
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Kinder Happy Purim
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Purim 5776 - 2016

Pillsbury - Happy Holiday!
Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) with Strawberry Flavored Filling
Parve (contain neither dairy or meat ingredients)

Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim!
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

From the House of Hersheys
The Perfect Blend between Chocolate and Peanut Butter
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Osem Castle of Specials for Mishloach Manot

Yogueta Happy Purim!

Angel Conditoria - Oznei Haman - Happy Purim!
Poppy Seeds Flavor / Filling

Angel Conditoria - Oznei Haman - Purim Sameach!
Oznei Haman filled with dates

Who says no to Mentos - Happy Purim

Skittles Happy Purim
5 for 10 Shekels
From the variety of products that are on sale

Tzukata Happy Purim!

Tzukata Happy Purim!

Elite Happy Purim

Purim 5775 - 2015

"Haman would die for this type of Mishloach Manot"
Skittles display in the Co-op Supermarket in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Happy and Entertaining Purim! Candy Box in Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Holiday
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Candy display in Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Chamtzutzim, Eat them and you will want more.
Happy Holiday
Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Costumes for Purim in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Happy Purim! Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim! Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim Mishloach Manot bag at Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim Mishloach Manot bag at Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim Mishloach Manot bag at Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Happy Purim! Rami Levy Supermarket in Mishor Adumim

Date Homentashim at Ne'eman Bakery in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Poppy Seed Homentashim at Ne'eman Bakery in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Chocolate Homentashim at Ne'eman Bakery in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Nuts Homentashim at Ne'eman Bakery in the Ma'ale Adumim Mall

Kinder Happy Purim display at the Co-op Supermarket

Kinder Happy Purim display at the Co-op Supermarket

Purim display at the Co-op Supermarket

Happy Purim!

Happy Purim!

The French Bakery date filled Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) at the Co-Op Supermarket

Purim display at the Rami Levy in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

Purim display at the Rami Levy in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

Mishloach Manot bags at Rami Levy in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

Mishloach Manot bags at Rami Levy in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem

Purim 5774 - 2014

Rami Levy Supermarket Sign
When the month of Adar arrives we should increase our joy.

Kinder - Happy Purim!

Chocolate Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Bon Appetit!

Poppy Seed Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) - Bon Appetit!

Osem - A Sweet and Happy Purim!

Pillsbury - Happy Holiday!
Oznei Haman (Hamentashim) with Poppy Seed filling.

Carmit - Lenny's Magical Candy
Happy Purim

Ma'ale Adumim Bus 174 - Happy Purim

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim (2024)

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim (2024)

Purim in Jerusalem (2023)

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim (2023)

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim (2023)

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim (2022)

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim (2021)

Purim in Jerusalem (2020)

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim (2020)

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim (2020)

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim (2019)

Purim Happening in Central Park in Ma'ale Adumim (2019)

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim (2018)

Purim Happening in Central Park in Ma'ale Adumim (2018)

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim (2017)

Purim Happening in Central Park in Ma'ale Adumim (2017)

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim (2016)

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim (2016)

Purim Adloyada Parade in Ma'ale Adumim (2015)

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim (2015)

Purim Adloyada Parade in Ma'ale Adumim (2015)

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim (2014)

Purim Adloyada Parade in Ma'ale Adumim (2014)

Purim Adloyada Parade in Ma'ale Adumim (2013)

Purim Adloyada Parade in Ma'ale Adumim (2012)

Purim Adloyada Parade in Ma'ale Adumim (2011)

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim (2010)

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim (2009)

Purim Adloyada Parade in Ma'ale Adumim (2008)

Purim Adloyada Parade in Ma'ale Adumim (2007)

Purim Adloyada Parade in Ma'ale Adumim (2006)

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