Kadesh Urchatz - קַדֵשׁ וּרְחַץ

Kadesh Urchatz - "Kiddush and Wash"
Order of the Passover Seder 14 Parts

This page lists 18 unique videos of the Passover song.
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Below the videos are the Hebrew lyrics,
an English transliteration and an English translation.

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Kadesh Urchatz with Illustrations - Kesher

Kadesh Urchatz - Yeshiva of Flatbush

Kadesh Urchatz - Kadesh Urchatz Remix in English (f)

Kadesh Urchatz - Cantor Dr. Harvey Bien

Kadesh Urchatz with Ilustrations (children)

Learn The Passover Seder Song - Kadesh Urchatz
Jewish Music Toronto

Kadesh Urchatz - Bukhari Melody

Kadesh Urchatz - Uncle Moishy

Kadesh Urchatz - Cindy Paley & Ann Brown (f)

Kadesh Urchatz - Elana Jagoda (f)

Kadesh Urchatz - Deborah Katchko-Gray (f)

Kadesh Urchatz - Craig Taubman

Kadesh Urchatz - K-2 Children with Images

Kadesh Urchatz with Illustrations - Amy Shapiro (f)

Kadesh Urchatz in Hebrew and English

Kadesh Urchatz - Ehud Banai

Kadesh Urchatz with Russian subtitles (m&f)

Kadesh Urchatz English and Hebrew (girls in school)

Hebrew Lyrics to Kadesh Urchatz

קַדֵשׁ וּרְחַץ

מוֹצִיא, מַצָּה
שֻׁלְחָן עוֹרֵךְ

English Transliteration of Kadesh Urchatz

Kadesh Urchatz

1. Kadesh
2. Urchatz
3. Karpas
4. Yachatz
5. Magid
6. Rachtza
7. Motzi, Matza
8. Maror
9. Korech
10. Shulchan Orech
11. Tzafun
12. Barech
13. Hallel
14. Nirtza

English translation of Kadesh Urchatz

Order of the Passover Seder

1. Recite the Kiddush (Sanctifi​cation of the festival)​.
2. Wash hands without a blessing
3. Partake of parsley dipped in salt water.
4. Break the middle Matzo, and hide one part to be eaten at the end of the meal as the Aphikomon​​.
5. Tell the story of Israel's deliveran​ce from Egyptian bondage.
6. Wash hands with a blessing
7. Recite the blessing before the meal, including​ the special blessing over Matzo.
8. Eat a bitter herb (Moror)
9. Combine Matzo, Moror and Ḥaroses​ and eat them together.​
10. Partake of the festival meal.
11. Conclude the meal by eating the Aphikomon​​.
12. Say grace after the meal.
13. Recite the remainder​ of the Hallel.
14. End with a prayer for the acceptanc​e of the service.

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