A.H.A.V.A. Launches Its Annual Read-a-thon
Special lecture from
Holocaust survivor and children's author
Marion Blumenthal Lazan.
Mitzpeh Nevo Yeshiva High School
Tevet 26, 5774 - December 29, 2013

Ma'ale Adumim Blood Drive
Canion Adumim
Tevet 16, 5774 - December 19, 2013

Imported Snow in Ma'ale Adumim
Central Park near Kikar Yahalom
Tevet 12, 5774 - December 15, 2013

Building and Lighting
the Giant Chanukiah
in Mevaseret Adumim
Kislev 29, 5774
December 2, 2013

Opening of the
Yeshiva High School Sports Center
10 Cheshvan, 5774
October 14, 2013

Dedication of the Ma'ale Adumim Security Center
Location: Back of Music Conservatory
October 8, 2013
Videos of Minister Silvan Shalom
and Mayor Benny Kashriel
October 8, 2013

Second Hakafot - S'deh Chemed
22 Tishrei, 5774 - September 26, 2013
(after chag in Israel)

Children's Sukkot Parade
Klei Shir neighborhood,
finished with a gathering at Rav Katz's sukka
September 22, 2013 - 18:30

Video of Rav Katz Devrei Torah
to children visiting his Sukkah
September 22, 2013

Rally in Support of building
in Mevaseret Adumim (E1)
Youth Park, Saturday Night - June 22, 2013
(includes 7 videos)

Ma'ale Adumim Celebrates Jerusalem Day
Flag march through the neighborhoods
and concert in the youth park
All proceeds from the Dekel School food stands
went to the "Aguda Lemaan Hachayal"
(includes 3 videos)
May 5, 2013

Lag Ba'Omer Parade and Celebration
April 28, 2013 - 16:00pm

Israeli Ministers visit Mevaseret Adumim (E1)
(includes 2 videos)
Yom Ha'atzmaut - April 16, 2013

A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony
Eshkol Hapayis - March 3, 2013

Purim Parade - Adloyada in Ma'aleh Adumim
February 24, 2013 - 11:00am

Building and Lighting
the Giant Chanukiah
in Mevaseret Adumim
Kislev 26, 5773
December 10, 2012

Second Hakafot - S'deh Chemed
22 Tishrei, 5773 - October 8, 2012
(after chag in Israel)

Opening of "Exhibition - Fire"
Moshe Castel Museum of Art
October 4, 2012
The exhibition runs till November 30, 2012
Click here for 2010 opening of the Castel Museum

Children's Sukkot Parade
17:30 Klei Shir neighborhood,
finished with a gathering at Rav Katz's sukka
October 2, 2012

The Mayor Meets the New Olim
Ma'ale Adumim City Hall
September 24, 2012

Hachnasat Sefer Torah at Musar Avicha
including parade on Hagitit and Hanevel streets
September 10, 2012

The Larry and Mindy
60's and 70's Revival Show
Gil Hazahav - July 3, 2012

A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony
Eshkol Hapayis
March 15, 2012

Purim Parade - Adloyada in Ma'aleh Adumim
March 8, 2012 - 10:30am

Ma'ale Adumim Blood Drive
Canion Adumim - 16:00-21:00
January 25, 2012

Launch of the A.H.A.V.A. Read-a-thon
Nofei HaSela School - 10:30am
January 10, 2012

Building and Lighting
the Giant Chanukiah
in Mevaseret Adumim
Eve of Kislev 26, 5772
December 21, 2011
Giant Chanukiah Video
Eve of Kislev 26, 5772
December 21, 2011

Second Hakafot - S'deh Chemed October 20, 2011
(after chag in Israel)

Children's Sukkot Parade
17:00 - Klei Shir neighborhood,
finished with a gathering at Rav Katz's sukka
October 16, 2011

English Speakers Summer Kickoff Event
Community Pool, Derech Midbar Yehuda
July 7, 2011

Olim Arts and Crafts Fair
Between Canion Adumim and City Hall - 10:00-14:00
Photos taken towards the end.
May 27, 2011

Lag Ba'Omer Parade and Celebration
May 22, 2011
Lag Ba'Omer Fire Juggling Video
May 22, 2011

Mimouna Celebration in Canion Adumim
April 26, 2011
17 of 207 photos also posted on Facebook
Click Here for the Facebook Album:

A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony
Eshkol Hapayis
April 4, 2011

Purim Parade - Adloyada in Ma'aleh Adumim
March 20, 2011 - 10:00am

A.H.A.V.A.'s Read and Rap
Canion Adumim - 17:00
February 17, 2011

Rainbow in Ma'ale Adumim
December 13, 2010

Chanukah in Ma'ale Adumim
Canion Adumim
(includes pre-Chanukah photos 11/18)
1 Photo of the Olim Fair
December 2, 2010
Chanukah photos also posted
on Facebook for name tagging.
Click Here for the Facebook Album:

Ma'ale Adumim Blood Drive
Canion Adumim - 17:00-21:00
November 30, 2010
Blood Drive photos also posted on Facebook for name tagging.
Click Here for the Facebook Album:

Ma'ale Adumim Dog Day
Central Park near Kikar Yahalom - 17:00
October 7, 2010
Dog Day photos also posted
on Facebook for name tagging.
Click Here for the Facebook Album:

Second Hakafot - S'deh Chemed
September 30, 2010
(after chag in Israel)

Children's Sukkot Parade
and Simchat Beit Hashoeva
Musar Avicha Shul, Klei Shir Neighborhood,
Rabbi Katz's Sukka
September 27, 2010

Lag Ba'Omer Parade and Celebration
May 2, 2010

Mister Zol Supermarket Moves
into a New Area in Canion Adumim
March 16, 2010

A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony
Eshkol Hapayis
March 11, 2010

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim
February 28, 2010
The Matnas and Canion Adumim

Opening of The Moshe Castel Museum of Art
February 21, 2010