Ma'ale Adumim Photo Gallery

2019 - 2024

Updated: June 20, 2024

    Over 19,000 photos 2001 - 2024

    The photos on this site are compressed for small file size. I kept almost all the original photos from the past 24 years. If you would like the original photo, which is larger and sharper, just send me an email ( with the subject: "Ma'ale Adumim photos" and note the photo numbers listed on this website. The 2024 original photos are about 2 megabytes each. There is no charge but please make sure you send me the correct photo numbers.
    Enjoy the photos and have a great day!

This page: index.html ( 2019 - 2024 )

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Click for index-2010-2013.htm

Click for index-2001-2009.htm

Hachnasat Torah in Ma'ale Adumim

Welcoming a new Sefer Torah
to Pnei Shmuel

June 20, 2024

Ma'ale Adumim Celebrates Jerusalem Day

June 5, 2024

Jerusalem Day Flag March in Ma'ale Adumim

June 5, 2024

Lag Ba'Omer in Ma'ale Adumim

May 26, 2024

Flora in Ma'ale Adumim

May 15, 2024

6 Kilometer March for 6 Million

Yom HaShoah March - May 5,2024

View of Jerusalem Mountains
seen from Ma'ale Adumim

April 11, 2024

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim

March 24, 2024

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim

Celebrating in Shuls

March 23, 2024

Good Deeds Day in Ma'ale Adumim

March 19, 2024

Flora in Ma'ale Adumim

March 10, 2024

Business Fair to Support
Southern Merchants
Amit Eitan Boys School

January 1, 2024

Children's Sukkot Parade
Klei Shir neighborhood
October 1, 2023

Lego Exhibition

at DCITY - Design City
Israel Park / Mishor Adumim

August 14, 2023

Flora in Ma'ale Adumim

June 27, 2023

Ma'ale Adumim Library Happening

National Hebrew Book Week

June 11, 2023

Hachnasat Torah in Ma'ale Adumim

Welcoming a new Sefer Torah
to Nusach Achid

June 5, 2023

Sunset over Mevaseret Adumim (E1)

June 4, 2023

Ma'ale Adumim Celebrates Jerusalem Day

May 22, 2023

Jerusalem Day Flag March in Ma'ale Adumim

May 17, 2023

Lag Ba'Omer in Ma'ale Adumim

May 8, 2023

6 Kilometer March for 6 Million

Yom HaShoah March - April 17, 2023

Flora in Ma'ale Adumim

March 26, 2023

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim

March 7, 2023

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim

Musar Avicha Shul

March 6, 2023

Hachnasat Torah in Ma'ale Adumim

Welcoming a new Sefer Torah
to Musar Avicha

February 5, 2023

Flora in Ma'ale Adumim

January 17, 2023

Classic Car Convoy in Ma'ale Adumim

November 10, 2022

Flora in Ma'ale Adumim

October 27, 2022

Second Hakafot - S'deh Chemed

23 Tishrei, 5783
October 17, 2022

(after chag in Israel)

Sunset over Mount Scopus, Jerusalem
View from Ma'ale Adumim

September 7, 2022

Drone Racing
Ma'ale Adumim Stadium

August 11, 2022

4th of July Celebration at the Castel Museum
Ma'ale Adumim

July 4, 2022

Jerusalem Day Flag March in Ma'ale Adumim

May 29, 2022

Ma'ale Adumim Celebrates Jerusalem Day

May 26, 2022

Lag Ba'Omer in Ma'ale Adumim

May 18, 2022

Yom Ha'atzmaut in Ma'ale Adumim

May 5, 2022

6 Kilometer March for 6 Million

Yom HaShoah March - April 27, 2022

Kashering for Pesach in Ma'ale Adumim

April 13, 2022

Good Deeds Day in Ma'ale Adumim

March 29, 2022

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim

March 17, 2022

The Jerusalem Mountains

February 23, 2022

Rain Clouds over the Jerusalem Mountains

December 17, 2021

Chanukah at Design City in Mishor Adumim

November 29, 2021

Chanukiyot in Ma'ale Adumim

November 28, 2021

Collecting Snacks for our Soldiers
"Noar Latet" outside the Supersol in Canion Adumim

November 23, 2021

View of Highway#1 and
the Jerusalem Mountains

November 10, 2021

Chol Hamoed Sukkot
at DCITY - Design City
Israel Park / Mishor Adumim

September 23, 2021

Sunset over Mount Scopus, Jerusalem
View from Ma'ale Adumim

September 12, 2021

DCITY - Design City
Israel Park / Mishor Adumim

August 1, 2021

Job Fair
Maalit Youth Center

June 30, 2021

Opening of the 30 Years After Aliya
Mesilot Exhibition
Moshe Castel Museum of Art
Ma'ale Adumim

June 21, 2021

Hebrew Book Happening
Ma'ale Adumim

June 14, 2021

Flora in Mitzpe Nevo
Ma'ale Adumim

June 8, 2021

Sunrise in Ma'ale Adumim

June 7, 2021 around 5:30 am

Photo also uploaded to a
Facebook album at:

Jerusalem Day Flag March

May 9, 2021

Photos of Ma'ale Adumim

April 26, 2021

Israeli Air Force
Yom Ha'atzmaut flyover
Ma'ale Adumim
April 15, 2021

6 Kilometer March for 6 Million
Yom HaShoah March - April 7, 2021

Flora in Ma'ale Adumim

March 29, 2021

Flora in Ma'ale Adumim

March 9, 2021

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim

February 26, 2021

Rainbow over Ma'ale Adumim

January 29, 2021

Photo also uploaded to a Facebook album at:

Photos of Chanukiyot in Mitzpe Nevo

December 10, 2020

Photos also uploaded to a Facebook album at:

Photos of Ma'ale Adumim
A walk from the Canion (mall) to Mitzpe Nevo

November 9, 2020

Photos also uploaded to a
Facebook album at:

Photos of Flora in Ma'ale Adumim
A walk in my neighborhood wearing a mask

October 15, 2020

Photos also uploaded to a
Facebook album at:

Sunrise in Ma'ale Adumim

August 24, 2020 around 6:00 am

Photo also uploaded to a
Facebook album at:

Sunrise in Ma'ale Adumim

June 24, 2020 around 5:40 am

Photo also uploaded to a
Facebook album at:

The Moon - view from Ma'ale Adumim

May 7, 2020 around 4am

Photo also uploaded to a
Facebook album at:

My Friday Afternoon Walk
in Ma'ale Adumim
(wearing a mask)

May 1, 2020

Photos also uploaded to a
Facebook album at:

My Short Walk in Ma'ale Adumim
(wearing a mask)

April 16, 2020

Photos also uploaded to a
Facebook album at:

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim
March 10, 2020

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim
Musar Avicha Shul
March 9, 2020

A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony
Eshkol Hapayis
February 23, 2020

Second Hakafot - S'deh Chemed
22 Tishrei, 5780 - October 21, 2019

(after chag in Israel)

Children's Sukkot Parade
Klei Shir neighborhood
October 17, 2019 - 18:15

Lag Ba'Omer in Ma'ale Adumim
May 22, 2019

Dekel Fair to Raise Money for the Soldiers
Schoolyard of Ort Dekel Vilnai
May 16, 2019 - 17:00 - 20:00

Video of Israeli Air Force
Yom Ha'atzmaut Flyover Ma'ale Adumim
Viewed from Hakinor and Shofar Lookout Point
May 9, 2019

Packaging Food Baskets for
Needy Soldiers and their Families
Yashar LaChayal Needy Soldier Food Campaign
Kikar Yahalom
April 15, 2019

Yashar LaChayal website

Yashar LaChayal Facebook page

Good Deeds Day in Ma'ale Adumim
Kikar Yahalom
April 2, 2019

Video of Dance Performance

Purim in Ma'ale Adumim
14th of Adar, 5779 - March 21, 2019

Purim Night in Ma'ale Adumim
Musar Avicha Shul
March 20, 2019

A.H.A.V.A. Readathon Awards Ceremony
Eshkol Hapayis
March 20, 2019

View of the Jerusalem Mountains
from Ma'ale Adumim
Center is Mount Olives
Right side is Mount Scopus and
Hebrew University Tower January 10, 2019

This page: index.html ( 2019 - 2023)

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