Jack and Rose Richman
(Jacob's paternal grandparents)
Jacob (Jack) Meir Richman was born on the 9th of Adar 5659 (March 12, 1889) in Russia.
He passed away on the 23th of Tishrei 5714 (October 2, 1953) in Israel.
Shoshana Richman was born on the 18th of Sivan 5659 (May 27, 1899).
She passed away on the 13th of Iyar 5757 (May 20, 1997) in Israel.
They are buried in the cemetery in Haifa.
Chana Berman, Rose Richman, Itzhak Richman
My aunt and father visited my grandmother in Haifa on February 12, 1990
This is last photo of my father before he pasted away on the 12th of Adar
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