Israel Telecards - Phone Cards from the 1990's
1. 1988 - 40th Israel Anniversary
2. 1991 - First Mass Produced Card
3. 1993 - Betar Jerusalem Soccer Team
4. 1993 - The 14th Maccabiah
5. 1994 - Maccabi Haifa Soccer Team
6. 1994 - Maccai Elite Tel-Aviv Basketball Team
7. 1994 - Soup Advertisement
8. 1994 - Israel Telecom Exhbition
9. 1995 - Everyone for Enivronmental Quality
10. 1995 - Centenial of the Radio
11. 1995 - Centenial of the Cinema
12. 1995 - Jerusalem - The City Joined Together
13. 1995 - Eilat - Sea, Sun & Fun
14. 1995 - The Dead Sea - The Lowest Place on Earth
15. 1995 - Tiberias on the Sea of Galilee
16. 1995 - Smart Cards at Bar-Ilan University
17. 1995 - Do Not Drive Like Animals on the Streets
18. 1996 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Reuven
19. 1996 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Shimeon
20. 1996 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Levy
21. 1996 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Yehuda
22. 1996 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Issachar
23. 1996 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Zevulun
24. 1996 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Dan
25. 1996 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Naphtali
26. 1996 - Tel Hanan Mosaic
27. 1996 - Maon Synagogue Mosaic
28. 1996 - Lod Mosaic
29. 1996 - The Holy Ark Mosaic
30. 1996 - 100 Years to the Zionist Congress
31. 1996 - Jerusalem of Gold
32. 1996 - Stars of Hope #1
33. 1996 - Stars of Hope #2
34. 1996 - Stars of Hope #3
35. 1996 - Stars of Hope #4
36. 1996 - WIZO: No to Family Violence
37. 1996 - How Many Calories?
38. 1996 - Calendar
39. 1996 - Love Matching Guide
40. 1996 - Hanuka Telecard Exhibition
41. 1997 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Benjamin
42. 1997 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Gad
43. 1997 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Asher
44. 1997 - Chagall Windows - The Tribe of Joseph
45. 1997 - 150 Years Anniversay of the Telephone
46. 1997 - Mikve Israel
47. 1997 - The Scrolls of the Judean Desert
48. 1997 - Bezek Digitalic Services
49. 1997 - Red Sea Fish
50. 1997 - Keep Israel Beautiful
51. 1997 - Succot
52. 1998 - Israel's 50th Anniversay - David Ben Gurion
53. 1998 - Israel's 50th Anniversay - Levy Eshkol
54. 1998 - Israel's 50th Anniversay - Golda Meir
55. 1998 - Israel's 50th Anniversay - Menahem Begin
56. 1998 - 125 Years Anniversay of Haim Nahman Bialik
57. 1998 - Listen and Speak #1
58. 1998 - Listen and Speak #2
59. 1998 - Listen and Speak #3
60. 1998 - Nature Series - Mammals: Gazella
61. 1998 - Nature Series - Mammals: Bears
62. 1998 - Nature Series - Mammals: Fox
63. 1998 - Soldier's Card - Motherly Advice
64. 1998 - Adopt a Soldier
65. 1998 - Road Safety #1
66. 1998 - Road Safety #2
67. 1998 - Road Safety #3
68. 1998 - Road Safety #4
69. 1998 - Made in Israel
70. 1998 - Back to School
71. 1998 - Passover
72. 1998 - Shavuot
73. 1998 - Jewish New Year
74. 1998 - Colors in Flowers - Purple
75. 1998 - Walt Disney - Mulan
76. 1998 - Walt Disney - Goofy
77. 1998 - Walt Disney - Donald Duck
78. 1998 - Walt Disney - Miki Mouse
79. 1998 - Walt Disney - Mini Mouse
80. 1999 - Judaica #1
81. 1999 - Judaica #2
82. 1999 - Judaica #3
83. 1999 - Judaica #4
84. 1999 - Israel Egypt Peace
85. 1999 - Woman's Day
86. 1999 - 30 Year Anniversay of Apollo Moon Landing
87. 1999 - Youth Groups
88. 1999 - The Holy Land - The Judean Desert
89. 1999 - The Holy Land - Jerusalem
90. 1999 - The Holy Land - Tiberias
91. 1999 - The Holy Land - Bet Lehem
92. 1999 - Hatikva National Anthem
93. 1999 - Calendar
94. 1999 - Walt Disney - Jungle Book
95. 1999 - Walt Disney - Peter Pan
96. 1999 - Walt Disney - Dumbo
97. 1999 - Walt Disney - The Lady and the Tramp
98. 1999 - Walt Disney - Snow White
99. 1999 - Walt Disney - Alice in Wonderland
100. 2000 - 120 Year Anniversay of Ze'ev Jabotinsky
101. 2000 - Massada
102. 2000 - The City of David
103. 2000 - Nimrod's Castle
104. 2000 - Gan Ha'Shlosha
105. 2000 - Herodion
106. 2000 - Air Force Museum - Harward Airplane
107. 2000 - Air Force Museum - Dragon Rapid Airplane
108. 2000 - Sports - Soccer
109. 2000 - Sports - Athletics
110. 2000 - Sports - Basketball
111. 2000 - Sports - Track
112. 2000 - Sports - Judo
113. 2000 - Sports - Swimming
114. 2000 - Hapoel Tel-Aviv Soccer Team
115. 2000 - Art of Nachum Gutman
116. 2001 - David' Tower
117. 2001 - The Western Wall
118. 2001 - Nature - Parrot #1
119. 2001 - Nature - Parrot #2
120. 2001 - Nature - Parrot #3
121. 2001 - Nature - Parrot #4
122. 2001 - Romanian / Hebrew Dictionary
123. 2001 - Tailandi / Hebrew Dictionary
124. 2001 - Air Force Museum - Stirman Airplane
125. 2001 - Air Force Museum - Orogon Airplane
126. 2001 - Air Force Museum - Spitfire Airplane
127. 2002 - Seals
128. 2002 - Marco 1
129. 2002 - Marco 2
130. 2002 - Marco 3
131. 2002 - Art - Archeology 1
132. 2002 - Art - Archeology 2
133. 2002 - Art - Archeology 3
134. 2002 - Sites in Israel - Mount Hermon
135. 2002 - Sites in Israel - Mount Arbel
136. 2002 - Sites in Israel - Mount Tabor
137. 2002 - Yaldai Aloot (Alut Children) 1
138. 2002 - Yaldai Aloot (Alut Children) 2
139. 2002 - Yaldai Aloot (Alut Children) 3
140. 2002 - Nature - Migratory Birds - Tziporei Bikat Hayarden
141. 2002 - Nature - Migratory Birds - Tziporei Bikat Hayarden
142. 2002 - Nature - Migratory Birds - Tziporei Bikat Hayarden
143. 2002 - Sites in Israel - Botanical Garden
144. 2002 - Sites in Israel - Ramat Hanadiv
145. 2002 - Sites in Israel - Underwater Observatory
146. 2002 - Nature - Butterfly 1
147. 2003 - Nature - Butterfly 2
148. 2002 - Nature - Butterfly 3
149. 2003 - Nature - Butterfly 4
150. 2002 - Nature - Sea Shells 1
151. 2002 - Nature - Sea Shells 3
152. 2003 - Nature - Sea Shells 4

Source: Wiki Commons
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