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Shemita 5782

Farewell to the Western Wall Man

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Jerusalem Photo Gallery

Olim Photo Gallery

Ma'ale Adumim Photo Gallery

Ma'ale Adumim English Speakers
Community Website

Counting the Omer

The Mezuzah

Hatikva - Israel's National Anthem

Hava Nagila (Israel folk song)

Bashana Haba'ah (1970 Israel song)

Tefila (Shmor Na Aleinu) Videos
(Israeli song)

Shevet Achim V'achayot Videos
(Israeli song)

Ani Ve'ata Videos (Israeli song)

Jerusalem of Gold - "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav"
(Israeli song)

My Mom - "Ima Sheli"
(Israeli song by Arik Einstein)

Yo Ya - Kaveret / Poogy

HaMagafayim Shel Baruch - Kaveret / Poogy

Shir HaFalafel - The Falafel Song

Eretz - Ilanit

Shalom Lach Eretz Nehederet - Yoram Gaon

Mishehu Holech Tamid Iti

Parpar Nechmad

I Will Always Be Myself

Adon Shoko - Arik Einstein

Chai - Ofra Haza

Yesh Li Tzipor K'tanah Balev
- Yigal Bashan

Le Olam Beikvot Hashemesh
Forever Following the Sun - Sherry

Yesh Li Chag - Hagashash Hahiver

Pitom Kam Adam Shir Baboker Baboker - Shlomo Artzi

The Convoy Song - "Shir HaShayara"
(Israeli song about aliyah)

"Mishehu Holech Tamid Iti"

One Destiny - "Goral Echad"

Yesh Li Tzipor K'tanah Balev - Yigal Bashan

Le Olam Beikvot Hashemesh
Forever Following the Sun - Sherry

Yesh Li Chag - Hagashash Hahiver

Pitom Kam Adam - Shir Baboker Baboker
- Shlomo Artzi


Baruch Hagever

Lecha Etain et HaAretz Hazotet

Lecha Dodi Videos

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209 Adon Olam Videos

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Buy Blue and White - Made in Israel Products
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Educational Resources for Israel Independence Day

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Why Aliyah?

My Aliyah Anniversary Video

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Sermons The Year 'Round

Torah Online Resources

Prayers for Israel and the IDF

Tefilat Haderech - Traveler's Prayer

Free Resources to Learn Hebrew

They Spoke Hebrew! Hebrew scenes
from popular Movies & TV shows

Eliezer Ben Yehuda

Learn Hebrew Words from Milk Cartons

Jewish New Year Hebrew Poems on Milk Cartons

Israeli Air Force Sukkot Decorations

Daf Yomi Siyum - Special Egg Edition

Hebrew Language Posters 5783

Jerusalem Light Rail Hebrew Posters

Cool Hebrew Commercials

Humor: Lost in Translation

Jewish Proverbs and Sayings

Hebrew Tongue Twisters

Jewish Stories including 70 audio

Holocaust Educational Resources

Kristallnacht - We Must Not Forget!

In Memory of Ilan Ramon z"l

NASA Space Photos of Israel

Beresheet - Israel's Spacecraft to the Moon

Maps of Israel

1970's Computer Nostalgia

JR Nostalgia

1981 Computer Programmers in Israel

1993 Israeli Computer / IT Wanted Ads

My 1994 Internet Lecture / Big Event

My 1995 Intro to the Internet Seminar (7 meg)

Historical Computer Posters

Israeli Asimonim and Selected Telecards

History of Israel - Israeli Telecards

Israel Railways Current and Planned Lines

Cool Google Doodles

Israeli Chanukah Logos and Posters

Chanukah Hebrew Ads

The Chanukah Map

103rd Anniversay of the Balfour Declaration

Free Jonathan Pollard

Israeli Doctors in Haiti

Jerusalem Restaurant Cards

The Noach Page

The Lech Lecha Page

Water Savers in Israel

The Twelve Tribes of Israel

Photos of Ofra in the Summer of 1978

Photos of Better Place Center (August 2010)

Pure Holy Land Air

Covid-19 Israel Lockdown Regulations (9/2020)

Life Magazine Cover June 1967

47th Anniversary of Mivtsa Yonatan
Entebbe Hostage Rescue - July 4, 1976

When I'm 64

Tips to Stay Safe During a Heat Wave

Behavior During an Earthquake

Israel Emergency and Important Phone Numbers

Topol and Danny Kaye - 1966
L'Chaim from "Fiddler on the Roof" in Hebrew

TV Nostalgia
Classic Old TV Shows from the 1960s to 2000s

Button Nostalgia
Buttons from the 1960s to 1990s

Volunteering in Israel Videos

Protective Instructions During a Siren

Only in Israel
Recipes for Shavuot on Milk Cartons

Jewish History of Yehuda and Shomron Videos

Intel Electronics Israel Nostalgia

117 Hebrew Song Pages

Only in Israel
Shana Tova Greetings on Milk Cartons

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