The Lech Lecha Page

Updated: December 22, 2024

Philo-Torah: Aliyah-by-Aliyah Sedra Summary
(pdf, 8 pages, 5785 - 2024)

Philo-Torah: Parasha Pix Only
(jpg, 1 page, 5785 - 2024)

Philo-Torah: Parasha Pix and Explanations
(pdf, 2 page, 5785 - 2024)

Philo-Torah: Bringing the Prophets to Life
insights into the Haftara by Rabbi Nachman (Neil) Winkler
(pdf, 2 pages, 5785 - 2024)

Torah Tidbits 2241: Lech Lecha
(pdf, 42 pages, 1.5mg, 5785 - 2024)

Torah Tidbits 1586: Aliyah By Aliyah Sedra Summary
(pdf, 4 pages, 5785 - 2024)

Torah Tidbits 1586: The Origin Story by Rabbi Moshe Taragin
(pdf, 4 pages, 5785 - 2024)

Torah Tidbits 1586: Lech Lecha
(pdf, 80 pages, 22mg, 5785 - 2024)

Hamizrachi Weekly: Lech Lecha - 5785
(pdf, 26 pages, 3meg, 5785 - 2024)

Ohrnet: Lech Lecha - 5785
(pdf, 16 pages, 5785 - 2024)

Chabad - Torah Reading for Lech Lecha with Rashi

Chabad - Lech Lecha in a Nutshell

Chabad - Lech Lecha Aliya Summary

Chabad: Journey of the Soul

Parshat Lech Lecha: Walk towards your destiny
by Keren Epstein - Ohr Torah Stone

OU Torah: Rabbi Fox on Parsha: Family Matters

Rabbi Sacks: The Courage not to Conform

Torah from Dixie - Parshat Lech Lecha

Rabbi Berel Wein Weekly Parsha - Lech Lecha

Sermons The Year 'Round: Lekh Lekha - The Stamp on a Coin

Aish - Abraham Promotes Monotheism,
and Fights in the First World War

Sharaga's Weekly - Go to Yourself

Ohr Somayach: Parshat Lech Lecha - Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

Internet Parsha Sheet: Lech Licha 5783 (pdf)

Oz Torah: Lech L'cha

Torah Anytime: Lech L'cha
(audio and video shiurim)

Hebrew Song Page:

Lecha Etain et HaAretz Hazot

"I Will Give You This Land"

The Israeli Knesset 2016 Aliyah Day Bill designates that "Aliyah Day" is marked on the seventh of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan.

The seventh of Cheshvan was chosen due to its proximity to the Shabbat on which the "Lech Lecha" Torah portion is read, in which God commands Abraham to leave his home and go to the Land of Israel.

Videos of Knesset Members
that made Aliyah

Jacob Richman's Aliyah Pages

Aliyah Photo Gallery
Over 14,000 photos
Welcoming Olim to Israel

My Aliyah Anniversay Video

Why Aliyah?

Parshat Lech Lecha for Children

Torah Tots - Parshat Lech L'Cha

Akhlah - Parshat Lech Lecha

Chabad - Lech Lecha Family Parshah

Jewish Homeschool Blog: Lech Lecha Activities

Lech Lecha Coloring Pages

Aish - Hebrew Lech Lecha Coloring Pages

Aish: English Lech Lecha Coloring Pages
(pdf, 5 pages)

Childworld: Lech Lecha Coloring Pages

Challah Crumbs: Lech Lecha Coloring Page

Chabad: Lech Lecha Coloring Page

NASA Photos of Israel

NASA Photos of Israel

Parashat Lech Lecha Videos

Lech Lecha - Does that mean me? (5 minute trailer)

Lech Lecha - Does that Mean Me? (59 minutes)

Bim Bam: Lech Lecha:
The Brit, or Covenant, Between Abraham and God

Rabbi Sacks: Lech Lecha - Covenant & Conversation

Sivan Rahav Meir: Parashat Lech Lecha
(English, 43 minutes)

Simon Jacobson - Lech Lecha

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin on Parshat Lech Lecha

Rabbi Kenneth Brander:
"Parsha and Purpose" - Parshat Lech Lecha

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky:
Lech Lecha - The Journey Of Life

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky - Living in Israel

The Ultimate Question - Why Am I Here?

Hebrew Sites

Aish Lech Lecha Hebrew Article

Kipa Lech Lecha Hebrew Article

Chabad: Lech Lecha Hebrew Articles

Israel Ministry of Education: "Lech Lecha Mearzeha"

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