28 years ago, April 24, 1996,
I launched my main website: jr.co.il
I started the site with several dozen pages,
and the site today has over
13 gigabytes of information
including over 42,000 photos and images.
During 1994 and 1995,
I distributed a free resource diskette
when I gave lectures about the Internet.

You can view the 1995 lecture (7 meg) here:
The first pages I created on my new website
were resources from the diskette
including recommended Internet "hotsites".
The online hotsites had a larger reach
then my diskette did and I updated them often.
Today, the hotsites are part of my links page:
JR Links
Below are additional nostalgic items from the past...
Flyer and Article about
My first big Internet lecture
at the Tel-Aviv Dan Panaroma Hotel
December 15, 1994
1994 Plastic Coated Internet Reference / Smiley Card

1994 Bumper Sticker

I started using the Internet back in the late 1980's
while working at Intel Electronics in Jerusalem
In 1988, I posted the following question on the
Usenet board comp.sys.misc

During college (1976-1980) I started using punch cards
but after 1 year I was given an id to login
to the main frame computer via a remote terminal
and a 1,200 baud Anderson Jacobson
acoustic coupler dial-in modem.
For additional computer nostalgia from the 70s:
Before I started CJI (Computer Jobs in Israel)
in June 1993 (for 22 years till October 2015),
I used to cut and paste (scissors and glue)
the weekly computer job ads from
the various Hebrew newspapers
and distribute copies of the ads to olim and Israelis.
While cleaning out old boxes of "stuff",
I found several sets of old Israeli job ads I saved.
The 14 ad pages in the link below are
from March 19, 1993.
Some of the companies are still around and
several of the languages are still in use 31 years later.
1993 Israeli Computer / IT Wanted Ads
Before I made aliyah in 1984,
I searched for (without Internet) info about computers in Israel.
This 1981 booklet which describes the state of computers
and programming in Israel 43 years ago.
Per the booklet, the ratio of the number of computers
per 10,000 inhabitants was 1.7
Times have changed :-)
1981 Computer Programmers in Israel
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