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Nili Avrahamy a"h

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3 Year Jewish Holiday Calendar

5785 - 5787

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Olim Photo Gallery

Olim Photo Gallery
over 14,000 photos

Olim in Hebrew

Jerusalem Photo Gallery

Jerusalem Photo Gallery

Jerusalem in Hebrew

Jerusalem Videos on Youtube


Jerusalem Educational Resources


Jerusalem of Gold - "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav"

Song page includes lyrics in Hebrew
and English and videos.

Educational Resources
for Israel Indpendence Day



Hatikva - Israel's National Anthem

Israel's National Anthem

History of Israel Videos


Israel Videos

700+ Videos about Israel

Israel Photo Gallery

Israel Photo Gallery

Ma'ale Adumim Photo Gallery

Ma'ale Adumim Photo Gallery

Ma'ale Adumim in Hebrew


Ma'ale Adumim English Speakers
Community Website

The Shabbat Page

The Shabbat Page

The Shabbat Shalom Page

The Shabbat Shalom Images Page

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JR.CO.IL Website
28th Anniversary Page
April 1996 - April 2024

My Youtube Playlists

My Spotify Music Playlists


48th Anniversary of Mivtsa Yonatan

Anniversary of Mivtsa Yonatan

Entebbe Hostage Rescue
July 4, 1976

Learn Hebrew from Milk Cartons

My Aliyah Anniversary Video

My Aliyah Anniversary Video

My Aliyah to Israel : August 30, 1984

JR Topics - Cool Stuff!

My Recommendations

Android apps, books, movies, restaurants, services

Emergency and Useful

Phone Numbers in Israel

117 Hebrew Song Pages

Hebrew videos, Hebrew lyrics,
English translations
& transliterations

Videos about Shabbat

Videos about Shabbat
including Zemirot
(Shabbat songs)

Jewish Cartoons

My Jewish Games is Back!

Also works on Smartphones!

Hear Words

Listen, Read and Learn
Pronunciation of
Hebrew and English Words

The Alef-Bet Page

The Hebrew Alphabet

Only in Israel

Only in Israel

Life in Israel

Articles about Life in Israel

The Lech Lecha Page

Why Aliyah?

Why Aliyah?


Educational and Fun

Free JR Stickers for WhatsApp

300!! Jewish and Hebrew Stickers

The Jewish Trivia Quiz

The Jewish Trivia Quiz

Jacob Richman's

Humor Pages

Info at: jr.co.il/training

Free Training Resources

Jacob Richman's
Training Resources

77 Free and Useful
Android Applications

Jacob Richman's
Training Resources

Backup Tutorial

Jacob Richman's
Training Resources

WhatsApp Tips

209 Adon Olam Videos


Photos of Jacob Richman

Photos of Jacob Richman (me),
and relatives and friends

My Heritage

My Parents z"l

Historical Photos and Documents

"Eat Healthy"

Hebrew Videos
with English Translations

Free Resources to Learn Hebrew

Free Resources to Learn Hebrew

They Spoke Hebrew!

They Spoke Hebrew!

Hebrew scenes from popular movies
and television shows

Learn Hebrew Signs

Learn Hebrew Signs

Jewish Holiday Hotsites

Jewish Holiday Hotsites

Jacob Richman's
Training Resources

40 VLC Media Player
Keyboard Shortcuts
Click for full size images

Hava Nagila

Hava Nagila - Israel folk song

Lyrics, Translation and Videos
of Popular Israeli Folk Song

Bashana Haba'ah

Bashana Haba'ah - 1970 Popular Israeli Song

Lyrics, Translation and Videos
of Popular Israeli Song

100th Anniversay of the

The Balfour Declaration

Balfour Declaration

NASA Photos of Israel

NASA Photos of Israel

> > > My Blog: Good News from Israel < < <

15 Cool Israeli Flash Mob Videos


Dani, Gidi & Friends Concert Videos
(Kaveret / Poogy / Gazoz)


Directory of Jacob Richman's Web Sites

Directory in Hebrew

Jew Clipart

Jewish Clipart

Learn English with Jokes and Riddles

Learn English with Jokes and Riddles

The Diabetes Quiz

The Diabetes Quiz

History of Israel

Israeli Stamps

Israeli Stamps

Hebrew Tongue Twisters

Hebrew Tongue Twisters

Jewish Proverbs and Sayings

Jewish Proverbs and Sayings

Educational Videos

My Educational Videos

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