Jacob Richman Photos
with Yoni Kremer, Jacob
Ticco Salad in Ma'ale Adumim
Celebrating my Hebrew birthdate
13th of Elul - September 16, 2024
with Yoni Kremer, Shlomo Loshinsky and Jules Loweff, Jacob
Waffle Bar in Ma'ale Adumim - July 28, 2024
Friends over 50 years
in Canion Adumim Food Court
Jacob, Jules Loweff
August 29, 2023
Friends from High School / College (over 50 years)
in Ma'ale Adumim
Jacob, Shlomo Loshinsky, Roy Sacks
May 25, 2023
Friends from Brooklyn (over 45 years)
having lunch at Thai restaurant in Jerusalem
Jacob, Chana Lapid, Steve Posner, Sylvie Posner
April 30, 2023
with Sheila Manevitz, Steve Posner,
Chana Lapid, Jacob, Shlomo Loshinsky
Thailandi Restaurant in Jerusalem - July 10, 2022
We all went to Brooklyn College over 40 years ago
with Sheila Manevitz, Steve Posner,
Shlomo Loshinsky, Chana Lapid, Jacob
Thailandi Restaurant in Jerusalem - July 10, 2022
We all went to Brooklyn College over 40 years ago
Above 2 photos in Facebook Album at:
with Steve Posner, Chana Lapid, Jacob
Shuk Mahane Yehuda in Jerusalem - November 13, 2019
(we all went to Brooklyn College)
with Steve Posner, Chana Lapid, Jacob
Nagila Restaurant in Jerusalem - November 13, 2019
(we all went to Brooklyn College)
with my sister Nili Avrahamy
Canion Adumim - August 30, 2019
with Steve Posner, Sylvie Posner, Chana Lapid
Hamotzi Restaurant in Jerusalem - May 21, 2019
with Jules Loweff, Yoni Kremer and Shlomo Loshinsky
Canaanite Restaurant in Kfar Adumim - December 19, 2018
with Jody Eisenman, Toby Eisenman and Shlomo Loshinsky
Canion Adumim - August 2016
(we all went to Brooklyn College)
with Jody Eisenman, Toby Eisenman and Shlomo Loshinsky
Yoel - Hame'ashenet Restaurant, Kfar Adumim - January 2015
(we all went to Brooklyn College)
with Toby Eisenman, Jody Eisenman and Shlomo Loshinsky.
Emek Refa'im Street, Jersualem - January 2015
(we all went to Brooklyn College)
with Jules, Miriam, Shlomo
Aroma in Canion Adumim - August 2011
with Shlomo, Steve, Chana
(we all went to Brooklyn College)
Thai Restraunt in Jerusalem - July 2011
with Mayor Benny Kashriel - June 2009
Photo of Plaque
with Fred and Charlie at La Guta Restaurant - November 2008
with Rabbi Fass at NBN - January 2007
with Shlomo Loshinsky and Gil Kleinman
Yeshiva of Flatbush Reunion in Israel - January 25, 2007
Additional reunion photos at:
with Paul and Charlie - Coolinary Restaurant - November 2007
with Fred, Paul, Me, Marc, Charlie, Randy
At the Caesar Premiere Dead Sea Hotel - January 2006
with Jody Eisenman in Jerusalem - November 2004
with Roy Sacks in Jerusalem - October 2003
with David, Arie, Hillel, Jon, Fred, Charlie, Randy
Oklahoma Joes Restaurant in Mizpeh Yericho - October 2001
Yeshiva of Flatbush HS - 25 Year Reunion
Bet Shemesh - August 2001
Additional reunion photos at:
My Teudat Oleh 1984
My Yom Ha'atzmaut Party at Young Israel of Flatbush
Brooklyn -1984
Last Brooklyn Yom Ha'atzmaut party
before I made aliyah at the end of August 1984
My Yom Ha'atzmaut Party - Brooklyn - April 1983
with Jody Eisenman -My Yom Ha'atzmaut Party - Brooklyn - April 1981
Ofra Chaza Concert at Murrow High School, Brookyn - 1980 or 1981??
Dad and Me - My 1980 Graduation from Brooklyn College
Brooklyn College 1976-1980
Yom Ha'atzmaut Party 1979
in front Brooklyn College Hillel

with Lewis, Roy, Erica Seigal (Art Teacher), Coach Galzer, Lonny Benamy (Biology Teacher)
Salute to Israel Parade with Yeshiva of Flastbush High School 1975
Zionism is not Racism
Yeshiva of Flatbush Soccer Team.
Captain: Shlomo Loshinsky
Manager: Jacob Richman
Bialik School - 7th Grade 1971
I am in the top row, 2nd from the left
Joe and Ben's Day Camp 1967
I am in the top row, first from right
Shlomo Loshinsky is to my left
My sister Nili Avrahami is second row, third from right.
Shlomo's sister Naomi is second row, seventh from right.
Photo taken in Yeshiva of Flatbush Elementary School in Brooklyn, NY.
1966 - 3rd grade birthday party for Hattie Rosenblatt. (Thanks Ezra for the event info).
Teacher on the right is Mrs. Pitcheny.
Woman on the left is Hattie Rosenblatt's mother.
I am the first from the left, 2nd row.
Drawings on the wall look like the old Dutch house
that we visited on East 22nd in Brooklyn.
I also uploaded a copy of the photo to Facebook for name tagging.
I attended the elementary school from 2nd to 6th grade.
Bialik School from 7th to 8th grade. Class of 72.
Yeshiva of Flatbush HS - Class of 1976
Photo taken on a bridge in Brooklyn, NY. - 1963
with Shlomo Loshinsky
Our parents were friends before we were born.
February 1962
February 1960
My Brit in 1958
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