Mi Yimalel - מִי יְמַלֵּל

Mi Yimalel - Who Can Retell?

This page lists 15 unique videos of the Chanukah song.
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Below the videos are the Hebrew lyrics,
an English transliteration and an English translation.

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Mi Yimalel

Mi Yimalel - Maccabeats

Mi Yimalel - Jerusalem Boys Town
English then Hebrew

Mi Yimalel - Ariela Savir (f)

Mi Yimalel - on the Jerusalem Light Rail (f)

Mi Yimalel - Rinat and Friends (m&f)

Mi Yimalel (Bluegrass Cover) - Kol Kahol

Mi Yimalel - Jewop A Cappella (m&f)

Mi Yimalel - Kartiv - Instrumental (f)

Mi Yimalel - Shefita (f)

Mi Yimalel - Violin - Boris Savchuk

Mi Yimalel - Instrumental

Mi Yimalel - Craig Taubman and Friends (m&f)
Hebrew and English

Mi Yimalel - Piano

Hebrew Lyrics to Mi Yimalel

מִי יְמַלֵּל

מִי יְמַלֵּל גְּבוּרוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל,
אוֹתָן מִי יִמְנֶה?
הֵן בְּכָל דּוֹר יָקוּם הַגִּבּוֹר
גּוֹאֵל הָעָם.

בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם בַּזְּמַן הַזֶּה
מַכַּבִּי מוֹשִׁיעַ וּפוֹדֶה,
וּבְיָמֵינוּ כָּל עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל
יִתְאַחֵד, יָקוּם וְיִגָּאֵל.

English Transliteration of Mi Yimalel

Mi Yimalel

Mi yemaleil g'vurot Yisrael?
Otan mi yimneh?
Hein bechol dor yakum hagibor
Go-eil ha-am.

Sh'ma! Bayamim ha-heim
Bazman hazeh,
Maccabi moshi'a ufodeh.
Uv-yameinu kol am Yisrael,
Yit-acheid, yakum veyiga-eil.

English translation of Mi Yimalel

Who Can Retell?

Who can retell the things that befell us,
Who can count them?
In every age, a hero or sage
Came to our aid.

In days of yore in Israel's ancient land
Brave Maccabeus led the faithful band
But now all Israel must as one arise
Redeem itself through deed and sacrifice.

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