Itzhak and Hennia Richman z"l
(Jacob and Nili's Parents)
Avraham Itzhak Richman was born in Tzfat in 1926.
He passed away on 12 of Adar 5750. (Avraham Itzhak ben Yaakov Meir)
Hennia Rachel Richman was born in Jerusalem in 1934.
She passed away on 5 of Adar 5773. (Hennia Rachel bat Shmuel Moonie)
Cemetery Map
My father grew up in Haifa and traveled to study at the
"Chorev School" in Jerusalem.
He was best friends with my uncle Moshe Caspi (my mom's brother).
That is how he met my mom
My father was in the Israeli army in 1948.
In the early 1950's, my father moved to New York and
went to study at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.
My mom followed my father to New York and they got married in 1956.
My father worked many years as a mechanical design engineer responsible
for the piping layouts for nuclear power plants.
It was a very hard field for Jews to work in and my father worked hard.
At work he was called "Abe" and at home and with friends he was "Itzik".
My mother was a Hebrew teacher for over 30 years including
18 years at the Bialik Day School in Brooklyn.
My mom taught hundreds of students Hebrew (and Judaism and Zionism).
Click for Bialik School Class Photos
My sister, Nili, and I were born in New York.
Our parents were very active in the schools and community
and they encouraged my sister and I to do the same.
One of the special events that we were involved every year, was building
the Salute to Israel Parade floats in our Brooklyn driveway.
We built floats for the Yeshiva of Flatbush High School and
the Bialik Day school. Parents and students from both schools
worked together. The neighbors got used to seeing structures like
"Noah's Ark" hanging out of our driveway.
Jewish holidays at the Richmans were extra special.
My parents invited many friends and their kids for each holiday.
Many of the people invited were not "religious" but our home
warmly engaged them with Judaism and Israel.
Our Passover seders would have around 40 people and during Sukkot
our Sukah had a lot of traffic including students from Bialik school and
people from the block that wanted to see what a Sukkah is.
My parents would visit Israel almost every year (I went 12 times) and our
home in Brooklyn was an open house for Israeli friends and relatives
visiting the US.
After my sister made aliyah (1983), my parents followed.
I made aliyah in 1984.
Below are a few selected photos of our parents.
At a wedding in Israel in 1982
In Brooklyn, New York
Their Wedding in September 1956
Family Photo - December 14, 1969
At the Charney wedding in a hotel in Manhattan.
Family Photo - 1982?
Building the Sukkah on East 24 in Brooklyn, NY
My Brit in 1958
My Brit in 1958
My father with my uncle Emanuel Cohen in 1972 in Jerusalem
(He was the husband of my mom's sister - Shoshana Cohen)
Mom in Israel
Dad in Haifa near the radio store where he worked
Dad in front of the Haifa radio store where he worked
Dad and Me - My 1980 Graduation from Brooklyn College
Dad and Shani Avrahami (my niece) - in Israel, 1989?
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