JR Things - In search of....
Jacob Richman
Age: 66 (8/58)
Born: Brooklyn, New York
Aliyah: August 30, 1984
Home: Ma'ale Adumim, Israel
- Jewish Religious affiliation:
Grew up in a conservative/traditional home.
Since my aliyah I have moved toward Orthodox
(Shomer Shabbat).
Today I consider myself Dati-Leumi / Modern Orthodox
My Family Roots:
- Education:
Bialik School (72), Yeshiva of Flatbush H.S.(76)
Brooklyn College (80, BSc in Computer Science)
- Occupation:
44 years in computers
Worked in New York (80-84)
Intel Electronics, Jerusalem (84-92)
Kivun/Accent (92-94)
Jobnet creator and Project Manager (96-2000)
Internet developer/trainer/consultant (94-present)
I develop and market my own educational websites (96-present)
Directory of JR Educational Websites
Click here for my Linkedin profile
- Hobbies:
Helping to increase aliyah
I like taking photos at Israeli events and places
See the photo Galleries at:
I developed and manage
The Ma'ale Adumim English Speakers Community Website
and mailing list
- General physical description:
5 11, mustache, glasses, "Kipah Seruga"
- Likes:
Living in Israel, movies, scrabble,
various types of music, good TV comedies and detective shows,
keeping up with current events.
My movie recommendation list:
Click here for my Facebook profile
- Ambitions, goals:
Get married to that special person.
If possible, raise children in a Jewish home in our Jewish homeland
Help increase aliyah
Help Jewish organizations when time permits
- "Dream Spouse":
A best friend who shares my values and goals.
Honesty, and open communication, is very important.
Same or greater religious outlook.
I am open to meeting someone that already has a child or children.
I am open to meeting someone without children.
If you think we have something in common,
email me at:

with the subject: "Jacob" (to avoid it being tagged as spam mail)

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