Only in Israel

Updated: March 20, 2025

Google Buying Wiz for $32b (March 18, 2025)

Israeli High School Students Launch
Constellation of 9 Research Nanosatellites (March 16, 2025)

Bamba Pyramid Passover Edition (March 2025)

Rare Oil Lamp (December 26, 2024)

Shana Tova Greetings on Milk Cartons (September, 2023, 2024)

The Jerusalem Shoe Store (July 21, 2024)

Discovered in Nature Reserve:
Rare Coin from Bar Kokhba Revolt (March 4, 2024)

Half-shekel Coin from Revolt against Romans
2 Millennia Ago Uncovered in Desert Cave (July 26, 2023)

Jerusalem Psalms in Rami Levy Supermarket (July 6, 2023)

Landscapes of Israel on Nutella Labels (June 1, 2023)

Recipes for Shavuot on Milk Cartons (May 24, 2023)

Hebrew Language Posters
In Honor of Hebrew Language Day
(January 12, 2023)

Learn Hebrew Words from Milk Cartons (December 2022)

Rare silver half-shekel,
minted by rebels against Rome in 69 CE,
found in Jerusalem (December 2022)

2,200-year-old Coin Hoard
Gives Hard Proof of Book of Maccabees (December 2022)

Largest Aron Kodesh in the World (June 2022)

Hebrew Sayings on Paper Cups (June 23, 2022)

Kosher for Passover Egg (April 7, 2022)

Ukrainian refugee and Holocaust survivor
brought to Israel (March 4, 2022)

The Supermarket
Where You can Shop for Food - for Free (February 2022)

8 Tiny Satellites Built by Israeli Students
Launched into Space (January 2022)

Israeli Air Force - Operation Grandma (December 2021)

Learn Hebrew Words from Milk Cartons (December 2021)

11-year-old girl finds rare coin from 2,000 years ago
(November 2021)

Holocaust Survivor Meets First Cousin
He Never Knew Existed in Israel
(November 2021)

Shemita 5782 is Here!
(October 2021)

Daf Yomi Siyum - Special Egg Edition
(October 2021)

Israeli Air Force Sukkot Decorations
(September 2021)

Airspace Over Israel On Erev Yom Kippur
(September 2021)

Jewish New Year Hebrew Wishes on Paper Cups
(September 2021)

Jewish New Year Hebrew Poems on Milk Cartons
(August 2021)

Jews worldwide join Israel's farm families
for challenges, blessings of shmita year (August 2021)

IDF Soldiers Donate their Hair
to Children with Cancer (August 2021)

Car broke down?
Not an issue with these friends nearby (August 2021)

3,000-year-old Inscription
bearing name of Biblical Judge found in Israel (July 2021)

I'm Driving Slowly... (March 2021)

The World's Largest Matzah (March 29, 2021)

Israeli Purim Bus - Flight to London (February 21, 2021)

Ancient cloth with Bible's purple dye found in Israel,
dated to King David's era (January 2021)

Pure Holy Land Air (July 2020)

Civilian Intelligence (Hebrew with nikud) (April 2020)

How Israel's Home Front Command
has Mobilized Hotels to Fight Coronavirus (April 2020)

IDF Installs Mezuzahs on Doorposts of Soldiers' Bunks
(January 2020)

Jerusalem Light Rail Hebrew Posters (January 2020)

Israeli Chanukah Logos and Posters (December 2019)

9 Israeli inventions find place in
TIME magazine's 100 Best Inventions for 2019 (November 2019)

WWII rescuer reunites with Jews she saved (November 2019)

The incredible story of the IDF's Iraqi Arabic instructor
(October 2019)

What will the soldiers eat on Rosh Hashanah? (September 2019)

The Holocaust Survivor's Birthday Request (August 2019)

The Pilgrims' Path (July 2019)

IDF prepares for Passover (April 2019)

Special Twitter Emoji for the Israeli Election
(March 2019)

Artifact from First Temple period unearthed in Jerusalem
(November 2018)

What Happened When US Teacher Lost $2000 on Tel-Aviv Train?
(November 2018)

5 rare Jewish coins discovered by Temple Mount project
(May 2018)

How the IDF prepares for Passover (March 2018)

Dog Unit volunteer saves Beit Shemesh man's life (March 2018)

Ancient clay seal found under Western Wall Plaza (January 2018)

Shema Yisrael (November 2017)

102-year-old Holocaust survivor reunites with
newly discovered nephew (November 2017)

6,300 lulavs and etrogs for IDF soldiers (September 2017)

How does the IDF Prepare for Rosh Hashana? (September 2017)

IDF Passover - 61 Tons of Matzo, 115 Thousand Schnitzels
(April 2017)

Bayit Rishon Papyrus Scroll Found
With Earliest Hebrew Mention of Yerushalayim (October 2016)

Israeli Bus "Stop" Button in Hebrew and Hebrew Braille
(January 2016)

Israel Electric Company - Erev Shabbat Instructions
(January 2016)

Postcard Announcing Israel Municipal Elections (September 2013)

Super Size Sufganiyah (December 2012)

Second Temple Era Seal Discovered (December 2011)

Yediot Achronot Flyer for Rosh Hashana Seder (September 2011)

Dead Sea Scrolls Go Online (September 2011)

Israeli Team Snags Top Robotics Award (April 2010)

Reopening of The Hurva Synagogue (March 2010)

2000 Year Old Mikveh (September 2009)

Bar-Kochba Rebellion Treasures (September 2009)

Longest Cucumber (June 2009)

Educational Sugar Packets (March 2009)

Judaism from a Vending Machine (February 2009)

Israel Elections Announcement Postcard (2009)

Chanukah Menora at the Kotel (December 2008)

Oldest Hebrew Text (October 2008)

How Am I Behaving

Disabled turtle uses new wheels to find love - August 18, 2008

Yediot Achronot Flyer about Friday Night - July 25, 2008

A Big Etrog for Sukkot - October 16, 2005

Shana Tova - Tnuva Cottage Cheese Label (5764 - 2004)

World's Largest Matzah (2003)

Purim 2003 Yogurt

JNF Alms Box (1947)

Prayer for the State of Israel

See also:

Light T-Shirt (70's)

Falafel T-Shirt (70's)

Telephone Asimon

See also:

Egged Bus Pass

Offeq 1 - First Satellite (1988)

Satellite Picture of Coast (not by Offeq)

See also:

Another of Israel (not by Offeq)

Another of Dead Sea area (not by Offeq)

Hebrew Coca Cola

Web Surfer's Prayer (Hebrew)

Web Surfer's Prayer (Hebrew & English)

Web Surfer's Prayer (Hebrew with nikud - vowels)

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